Page 146 of The Curse Breakers

“I told you they were weeks ago. It’s just taking them longer because they don’t take other creatures’ manitou.”

“How come you know this and I don’t?”

He gave me a smirk. “I can’t divulgeallof my secrets.”

The water began to shoot into the air, churning with an angry current.

A friendly spirit might even be able to give me information. “Do you think it’s one of the friendly ones?”

Collin scowled. “No.”


Alarge mountain lion head shot out of the water and then dove back into it, revealing a furry mountain lion body with jagged plates on its back, like a stegosaurus, and a long, lizard-like tail.

Panic gripped my chest as I watched it disappear into the water. “What the hell is that?”

Collin ran to the other side of the boat. “A water panther.”

That didn’t sound good.

He ran into the cabin and started the engine. “We have to get out of here.”

I followed him into the cabin. “Why? We can send it back to hell.”

“I can’t, Ellie!” The engine roared to life and the boat took off toward the shore.

I fell backward into the wall. “Why not?” And then I knew. Okeus.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the wheel. “We’re heading north. Just keep it straight.”

I grabbed the wheel, looking back at him. “What are you going to do?”

“Take care of this.”

“Are you sure Okeus willallowit?” My tone was snotty. I knew I should be grateful that he was trying to save me, but I was pissed. Why wouldn’t he take care of it permanently?

He ignored me and stormed out the back.

I hoped we had left the water panther behind us, but a quick glance back assured me it was following us. It seemed insane to think we could outrun a demon.

Collin lifted his hand and a glow filled the air as I heard him shouting his words of protection. A vortex appeared and the water panther screamed.

I slowed the engine and then killed it. This was ridiculous. We could get rid of the demon together.

Collin shot me an angry look through the open door, but he’d have to stop reciting his words of protection if he wanted to stop me.

The boat slowed enough for me to release the wheel, and I moved next to him and shouted over the wind of the vortex he’d created. “Collin, listen to me!”

But Collin’s eyes hardened and he finished the chant.

“…everything in between. I compel you to leave my sight.”

The water panther screamed as it was lifted into the air and disappeared into the closing vortex.

Collin turned toward me, livid. “Why can’t you just fucking do what I tell you?Just one goddamned time!”

I shoved his shoulder, my temper raging. “That’s what it all boils down to, doesn’t it? You want me to be a stupid girl and do whatever you say without asking questions!”