Page 145 of The Curse Breakers

“Look who’s incapable of telling the truth now.” His face turned ugly. “Our connection works both ways, Ellie. I know you slept with him. I know that you have feelings for him. Hell, I could smell him on you the minute you got on the damned boat.”

Shame and indignation swept through me. “Who the hell are you to talk? You’ve probably slept with half a dozen women since me.”

“I haven’t slept with anyone since you.” His voice broke. “How could I even consider it after what we shared?”

I stumbled backward and sat on the metal box. How was that possible? Oh, God. What a mess.

He watched the water for several seconds. “What happened in your dream?”

“Okeus said he’d give me Daddy back if I gave him what he wanted.”

“And what does he want?”

“Me to choose him.”

“What else?”

I looked up at him.

He met my gaze. “To give you something that big, I know he must have wanted something in return.”

I swallowed. “He wants me to have his baby.”

“He wants you to dowhat?”

“My pure soul, plus my Curse Keeper power…he thinks he can finally make a real human baby.”

“What the fuck, Ellie!” He looked devastated.

I didn’t answer. There was nothing to say.

“And if you don’t?”

“He said it wasn’t a choice.”

The water began to rumble off the side of the boat, bubbling about ten feet out.

I looked over the edge. “I thought you said we were out too deep for Mishiginebig to bother us.”

“We are.” Collin moved next to me. “This has to be something else.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know.”

“What if it’s Okeus? I don’t have a mark on my back.”

He turned to me, horror on his face. “You haven’t found Ahone’s?”

“Not until a few minutes ago.”

“Shit.” The water bubbled higher. “There’s no time to mark you.”

“Collin.” I grabbed his arm. “We can fight this thing together. We can send it back to hell.”

He shook his head, watching the water. “We don’t even know if it’s after you, Ellie. It could be a good spirit. They’re getting stronger too.”

My eyes widened. “So, they really are out there?”