Harper tilts her head to the side, watching me. “And there’s nothing left for anyone else.”
“No.” Simple as that.
“Got it,” she mutters. “I won’t keep you long. Just wanted to mention the partner dance since you didn’t respond to my email. Has Syd told you about it?”
“The fuck? They’re in kindergarten and first grade. You shouldn’t be partnering them up.” My little girl dancing with a boy didn’t sit well with me, harmless twirling or not.
“Um, wow. You certainly have a secret talent for jumping to conclusions.” She reaches for a flier and slides the paper across the desk. “The child’s partner is a trusted adult that they choose. Not every dancer has a parent, so we avoid referring to the routine as something more specific. This option doesn’t exclude anyone and gives me more creative freedom.”
Guilt is a well-deserved punch to my gut. Even an insensitive asshole like me remembers that her father passed away when she was little. “That’s actually…really considerate.”
Harper’s smile is kind, lacking the mockery I’ve earned. “It’s shocking that I’m not a dating service for children, huh? Maybe you’ll let me prove that I’m not trying to make your life miserable.”
“Unlikely, but solid effort.”
She shakes her head. A long-winded sigh breezes from her lush mouth. “Too bad. I think we’d be better off as allies than enemies.”
The idea is laughable. “That’s even less likely.”
Her shrug is weak, just like her fading tolerance for my bullshit. “Are you going to stick around and watch for a change? You stopped once Sydney switched from Joy’s class.”
My attention veers to where she points. There’s a television switched on, already streaming a live feed from inside the studio. Syd bounces on and off the screen in a chaotic whirlwind. From this safe distance, I won’t cause a distraction as she learns new steps. But that’s not my main concern.
I return my gaze to the one responsible for dismantling my sanity. As if connected to my mental upset, Harper leans on the counter while waiting for my verdict. The position further accentuates her form-fitting outfit that leaves little to the imagination. Suffering through an hour of her bending and stretching would put me over the edge.
“Pass.” My legs shift in reverse to make a hasty exit.
She crosses her arms, effectively shoving her tits together. “Should I be offended?”
“Whatever blows your tulle up.”
“Aww, come on. I won’t bite… hard.” Harper gnashes her teeth.
The depraved part of me wishes she would, which is sure to haunt my nightmares.
“Are you sure we grabbed everything?” I drop the oversized backpack on the floor mat. Even with the bag stuffed to the seams, there’s foot room to spare.
“Uh-huh, you checked like a bazillion times.”
“Just want to be sure. You can always call if I forgot something.” That option is probably more for my sake than hers.
Sydney giggles and rolls her eyes, as if proving that theory. “Okay, Daddy. You gotta relax and take a chill pill.”
“A chill pill? Where’d you hear that?”
“At school. Mrs. Johnson told Mr. Burns that he’s stressed from the job. She gave him a chill pill. I think you work too much. Should I get you a chill pill?”
“Nah, I’m good. We’re done for the day thanks to your help with that last oil change.” I blindly wave at the shop behind me.
“I’m gonna work here someday, right?” The hope in her gaze is a sight to behold.
Pride fills my chest that she’d even consider following in my footsteps, regardless of the premature career planning at age six. “Sure, kiddo. If that’s what you want.”
Sydney beams at me from the spare booster seat in the luxury minivan. Glitzy is buckled in a harness beside her like the loyal sidekick she is. There are already two different movies playing from the screens in the headrests. A control panel displays too many options for me to count. The smell of expensive leather wafts out with a breeze. This kid hauler has more bells and whistles than a cruise ship.
I straighten from my stooped position to address the gracious owner. “Thanks again for coming to get her. Can’t say it’s easy for me to let her go, but I know she’s in excellent care with you. She loves spending the night at your house.”
Susan’s palm flutters to her chest while she laughs. “Oh, heavens. It’s our pleasure. Sydney is a delight. You’re doing a wonderful job raising her.”