Page 16 of Wrong For You

“With what?” The woman in question glances between us.

“It’s nothing—”

But Sydney’s blurt overpowers my brush-off. “My daddy has trouble finding matching socks after washing them. They always gets lost, and it takes him a super long time to sort through the piles when we should be playing, and I get really tired of waiting. Glitzy does too. He needs a helper.”

Harper hums in acknowledgment. “There’s a mesh pouch that goes in the washer and dryer for that exact purpose.”

My daughter’s eyes expand into saucers. “Really?”

“I bought it as a baby shower gift for Joy, mostly as a joke. It’s actually useful since the dryer can eat socks. They get stuck in the vent or something. Not often, but it’s possible. Especially ones meant for little feet.” The woman sent to test me wiggles her fingers for emphasis.

“Like mine!” Syd kicks her leg in the air to show off her small shoe.

“Yep, look at those cute tootsies. No wonder the dryer gobbles up your socks.” Harper pretends to chew with extra smacks from her lips.

My daughter giggles. “Maybe you can show my dad where to get one of those pouch thingies.”

The blonde bombshell looks at me. There’s a knowing twinkle in her eyes. “Sure, if he’s interested.”

I avert my gaze as if she didn’t catch me leering moments ago. “I’ll figure it out on my own.”

Sydney whirls to face me. “Miss Harper is super smart, Daddy. You should listen to her. She can help you with all the boring stuff.”

“I’m positive she has her own boring stuff to do,” I mutter.

Harper rolls her eyes but doesn’t respond.

My little girl grins, appearing pleased with her meddling. “I’m gonna go dance now.”

It’s about damn time I get an out from this pressure cooker. “I’ll be here when you’re done, Boop.”

She lunges at me to wrap her arms around my legs. “Love you.”

I kneel to return her hug. “Love you more.”

“Nuh-uh.” Sydney struggles to get free. “I love you the mostest.”

“If you insist, but I love you the most of the mostest.” I tap her nose before rising to stand straight.

She parks her tiny hands on her hips. “Ugh, you never let me win.”

“But me loving you that much is a win for you,” I insist.

Her face scrunches while she considers that. “Okay.”

Then she spins on her heel and takes off down the hallway. Her positive energy is infectious, erasing more stress I’d been carrying. I almost chuckle at the dust cloud she could create with that speed.

“Be right in,” Harper calls to her retreating form. “Listen to Ginger, okay? She’s in charge until I get there.”

Sydney tosses a thumbs-up over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner. That’s when I realize who I’m alone with. Harper’s decision to lag behind feels purposeful, and personal. The strain returns to my posture as she studies me.

“You’re a really good dad,” she whispers.

Warmth instantly spreads through my chest, which immediately irritates me. I scowl to offset the sensation she has no business stoking. “That means so much coming from you.”

She glances at the ceiling while mouthing a few choice words. “Still can’t play nice, huh?”

“Nah, Syd gets the best of me.”