“Dr. Pumper wasn’t the one anyways. Maybe the date crasher did me a favor.”
My friend scoffs. “Don’t give him more credit. He’s scaring guys off for no reason.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m a long ways off from starting my own family.” And that’s putting it optimistically. Somehow, that stage appears even further away than it did when I felt the non-envious pinch weeks ago.
Joy leans over to squeeze my arm. “You can get your baby fix with my little one whenever you need.”
I dip my chin to get a calming whiff of Belle’s wispy hair. “She’s got that powdery newborn scent. Really hits the spot.”
Her nap comes to an abrupt end with a squeaky whimper. She drags her tiny fist toward her mouth and begins sucking. When that proves unsatisfying, she begins rooting for a nipple in the blanket.
“Uh-oh. Someone is hungry.”
Joy shucks her robe, unclips the cup from her nursing bra, and lets her boob pop out. “All set. Come to Mama, Baby Belle.”
I pass her over with a muffled laugh. How natural these motions kick in. My humor is drowned out by loud suckling noises.
My eyebrows fling upward. “You weren’t kidding. She really goes after it.”
Joy hums in agreement and slumps against her mountain of pillows. A soft smile appears as she watches her baby drink. My bestie looks tired but blissful. She’s glowing with pure happiness shining from her pores.
“Motherhood looks really great on you, babe.”
She blinks sleepy eyes at me. “Aww, thanks. And don’t get down about being single. You could meet your future husband this afternoon.” A twinkle enters her gaze. “Or maybe yet this morning. I spotted a cute doctor on this floor yesterday. He might be doing rounds right now. You should check. I think his name is—”
“None of your concern, fiancée.” Cole saunters into the room wearing a cheeky smirk. His arms are loaded with sugary treats from Dunkin’ Donuts.
“For Harper,” she counters. “You handle all my needs.”
He chuckles at her grabby hand reaching toward their breakfast. “You just use me for the dirty deeds.”
“Um, yeah. Have you seen your penis?” She makes the announcement candidly like it’s a weather update. “Oh, and your baby batter. Our daughter is a genetic marvel.”
Cole sits on the bed and scoots over to wrap an arm around his girls. As if that isn’t swoony enough, the jaw-dropper presses a kiss to his fiancé’s forehead and begins massaging Belle’s tiny foot. The scene melts my heart.
That’s when I recognize that this moment is meant to be private. They’re sharing an intimate exchange as a new family. The trio blends seamlessly while I lurk off to the side like a shadow. My stomach sinks lower the longer I intrude.
I launch to my feet. “I’m gonna go.”
Joy startles at my abrupt movement. “What? Why?”
“There’s some stuff I should do.” It’s not a total lie.
Her eyes narrow. “Since when?”
I shoo off her probing. “You three need to bond. I’ll visit again later, or tomorrow.”
An argument parts her lips, but then she nods. “Yeah, okay. I just feel like you’re rushing out.”
“To find Dr. Hottie.” I hitch a thumb at the hallway, tacking on a wink for diversion’s sake.
The suspicion flees her expression, replaced by animated enthusiasm. “Yay! Good luck, and let me know how it goes. Like immediately. Do. Not. Delay. I’m out of commission for at least six weeks and need the juice.”
Cole groans. “Don’t remind me.”
She elbows him. “As if you have it rough. I just pushed a tiny human out of my vagina.”
He winces. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”