Her arms cross in defense. “That wasyourbad influence.”
“Oh, sure. Blame the teenage trouble on me. Maybe that will stop the traits from manifesting.”
“I blame you for suggesting it might in the first place. Baby Belle can do no wrong.”
“Of course she can’t,” I agree. A quiet gasp escapes me when her lips curl into a serene grin. “She’s smiling at me.”
“That’s just gas,” her mother states automatically.
I send my bestie a pointed stare. “Let an auntie believe in small miracles. This angel baby is advanced.”
“Oh, my apologies.” Her palm flutters to her chest with theatrical flair. “You’re right. My daughter is exceptionally smart fresh from the oven. I’m talking off the charts.”
“That’s better,” I commend while stroking a bent knuckle along Belle’s petal-soft cheek.
“Speaking of miracles, how did your brunch with Jake go?”
It takes me several seconds to process her statement, but I still can’t compute the message. The flutters in my belly are extremely distracting too. “Huh?”
Her brows wiggle. “I heard you looked pretty cozy sharing a table at Bean Me Up a few days ago. Thanks for holding out on your best friend. I specifically told you I need to live vicariously.”
I let my jaw go slack. “How did you hear about that? You’ve been holed up on bed rest.”
“Puh-lease. Word travels.” She swats at the air like it’s a pest that needs to be cleared. “Besides, my mom is close with Claudia. You know that woman makes it her daily duty to run the Knox Creek rumor mill. Susan is next in line, who is the one that reported you were cuddled up with the grumpy mechanic.”
“We were not cuddled up,” I grumble.
“Then what were you?”
“Just… talking.”
Her eyes nearly roll from their sockets. “Don’t think you can evade the inquisition just because this day is all about my baby. Spill. No skimping on the details.”
After I chase off the giddy hive in my stomach, I give her a brief recap of my somewhat civil conversation with the notorious ass. I gloss over Jake’s pussy comments and my full-body blush that followed each one. Instead, I focus more on our so-called truce. His niceties have yet to make an appearance.
“We’ll see,” I say in conclusion. “He was actually decent and honest. Admitted to being a dick to me on purpose. It was a healthy discussion. I’m tempted to believe him.”
Joy is quiet for several moments. “Jake Evans?”
“Yep. Trust me, it was a shock to my system too.”
“I’d say.” She shakes her head. “So, that’s it?”
Other than my lingering confusion about his refusal to date, and the subtle suggestion that choice is tied to me somehow. But that’s a can I’m not interested in opening. “I guess.”
“Why do you sound disappointed?”
My gaze lowers to Belle cuddled against me. A pang rattles around in the unoccupied space behind my sternum. “I’m not sure. There’s always been a small part of me that wished things worked out between us. Now it seems like that chance has officially been squashed.”
“Forget Jake. He’s had countless opportunities and squandered them. His loss. Plenty of eligible bachelors are just waiting to sweep you off your feet,” Joy insists.
A heavy exhale deflates my posture. “I’ve already heard that from you recently.”
“It’s true. Have you been keeping an open heart?”
“I mean, kinda? The catastrophe with Daniel spooked me.”
“That doesn’t count.” She scowls. “Jake sabotaged you.”