Page 10 of Until Now

It’s then I realise two things: one, that Chase will intervene if I ask him to; and two, that Archer won’t stop once he touches the apex of my thighs. He’d once fingered a girl at the back of the class.

‘Archer?’ I can’t keep the tremble from my voice.


‘I’m thirsty.’

He nips at my earlobe, and his hand tightens,hard.

‘Can you get me a cup of water? If you do, I’ll come to your stupid party.’

I regret my words as soon as I say them.

He smiles against my skin and pulls away.

I let out the breath I’ve been holding as he walks for the water dispenser.

‘It’s not a good idea,’ Chase says. ‘You’ll regret coming.’

‘Why? Because I’m not part of your gang?’

His expression hardens. ‘You’re being reckless—‘

‘It’s three days away. He’ll probably forget he invited me.’

‘Frankie.’ His arms are on the table and he’s leaning towards me. ‘Archer just wants to fuck you. He won’t give in until he does.’

My cheeks burn, but there’s no mirth in his gaze. In fact, I’ve never seen Chase Maverick so earnest.

‘Why do you care?’ I retort.

He stares at me for a long moment. His gaze searches mine, and then he sits back and crosses his arms. ‘You’re the first girl to ever turn him down. He’s butthurt, which makes him ambitious, and an ambitious Archer never ends well.’

I pick at my chocolate muffin. ‘Will you be there?’ I ask casually.


I try to hide my disappointment. ‘Who’s the lucky girl?’

He opens his mouth, but he’s spared from answering when Archer returns with my drink.


Cassie doesn’t speak to me for the rest of the day. If I’m being honest, I’m not even sure what I’ve done to upset her. Is she jealous I sat with Archer? I can talk to whoever I want, even if thatisthe school’s stud. She’s already been with him, anyway. Who is she to judge me?

I thought she may even be happy for me. I never talk to guys.

When I settle next to her in art, her cheek is propped on her fist and she’s sketching a penis with my name on it.

I sigh. ‘Can we talk?’ I whisper.

‘I’m busy.’ Her voice is muffled by her hand.

I peer over her shoulder. ‘I like it. I’m a little disappointed it’s not bigger, though. If I had a penis, I think it’d be big.’ Not even a hint of a smile. ‘Honestly, I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you, but you need to get over it.’

She scoffs. ‘Oh, I’m over it.’

‘Why are you so mad? Are you jealous because I sat with Archer? Cass, you have a boyfriend—‘