Page 9 of Until Now

I attempt to squirm out of the situation.

‘There’s nowhere for me to sit,’ I tell him.

Archer bites his lip and lets his eyes roam over me. ‘Then you can sit on my lap and we can talk about the first thing that pops up.’

I’m not in the mood for his games. I’m tired after having stayed up till late texting Kai, and I’m still furious with my mum. I just want to eat and sleep.

I seize my tray, but he holds fast to it. We stare at each other. I hope he glimpses the dark circles beneath my eyes, but unfortunately, I read the stubborn determination in his.

He glances at Greg. ‘You don’t mind, do you, Gregory?’

Poor Gregory pauses with his sandwich halfway to his mouth. His gaze darts between me and Archer.

I shake my head. ‘No, it’s—‘

'Do you want me to go?' Greg asks.

‘No,' I tell him, just as Archer says, 'If you don't mind.'

Greg wolfs down his sandwich and leaves.

This is really happening, then.

Chase watches me as I slide into the seat opposite him. He doesn’t look annoyed, but he doesn’t seem particularly thrilled, either. I’ve never sat head-on with him before. He’s so tall; my knees bang into his beneath the table. My breath catches, and a sudden flare in his eyes lets me know he’s aware of it, but he doesn’t move away.

My blood pounds in my ears.

Archer takes the seat beside mine. He slings an arm across the back of my chair and twists slightly towards me, but he looks at Chase expectantly.

Chase doesn’t break my gaze when he says, ‘Still eating.’

But his tray is empty.

Archer gives him a cool smile before he turns to me. ‘How was your day, love?’

He’s not truly interested in the answer. He just wants me to believe he is so I think he cares about me, and that, ultimately, I’ll let him have sex with me.

‘It was good,’ I say. ‘How was yours? Kick any kittens today?’

Chase chuckles, but Archer doesn’t smile. He doesn’t look amused at all. ‘I’m having a party Friday night. I want you to come.’

The prospect is tempting as it is terrifying.

‘I actually have tons of homework to catch up on—‘ I begin, but he silences me by grabbing my thigh and squeezing it.

It excites me.

It scares me.

I’m wearing my skirt today, and his skin on mine is the most exhilarating thing I have ever felt. This is the most invigorating moment of my life, and I hate it. I hate it because it’s Archer and I wish it was Chase.

Chase must have seen Archer’s hand move towards me, because his knee knocks into mine again, drawing my attention from the hand tracing up my leg. A muscle ticks in Chase’s jaw. He inclines his head.

Are you okay?

I can’t breathe. As I look at Chase, I imagine it’s his hand, and I feel my breasts tighten.

‘I wasn’t asking, love,’ Archer purrs. ‘I’ll come to your house and drag you out of your bed if I have to. Bonus points if you’re naked.’