Page 36 of Sparrow

The Malachi’s dog comes up to us and bumps her hip with a whimper. She turns her attention to the animal.

“That spider was as big as your head asshole.” He chuckles at the memory.

“We need to find Malachi.” Aspen wipes her face on a blanket that a fireman must have given her.

“Come on, let’s go get your man.” I stand with her in my arms.

“You know where he is?” I set her down and wait before letting her go to make sure she’s steady on her feet.

“Mmm, at the Mayor’s Mansion.” I tuck her hair behind her ear.

“That makes no sense.” I check my watch.

“It does when you want to get married after hours.” I tap the display.

Five thirty-five pm.



Wolf stays behindto speak to the police with Glitch. Uncle Asher, Spark, and Hannah are with me on our way to the mansion. I’m tying my hair up in a messy bun with a tie Hannah just gave me when we pull up to the Mayor’s gates.

Spark lowers his window and presses the buzzer.

“We’re sorry. The Mayor is hosting a private event tonight.” The woman on the speaker sounds nervous.

“We’re with the band, lady,” Spark says into the speaker but gets nothing back.

“Fuck. I really liked this truck.” He backs up and then looks at us in the back seat.

“Brace,” he slams into the gate and drags it up the driveway, making a loud racket.

Security comes running towards us with guns drawn. Hannah pushes my head down before the first set of bullets fly. I grab Foxy and drag her down with me. I curse and reach under the seat where I know Spark keeps extra weapons. I pass one to Hannah and grab one for myself.

“Clear, let’s move!” Spark calls, and we rush to get out of the truck.

“Foxy, stay,” I yell as we run for the front doors.

The front door opens, and a lady in a business suit is crying and shaking so badly I don’t know how she’s standing. She tries to talk, but nothing she’s saying is making sense. Hannah slaps her and then grabs her shoulders.

“Calm down. Nice deep breath. We can’t help if we can’t understand you.” I glare at her.

How was she a nurse?

“They’re forcing the Mayor to marry them. They have his family upstairs at gunpoint.” Hannah nods and pushes out the door.

“Where?” She points at a hallway.

“Leave, call the police once you are off the property and safe.” The last nods and runs off to a parking lot full of cars.

“I got the family. Hannah, you’re with me.” Uncle Asher leads her up the stairs.

“Stay behind me, Sparrow.” Like hell, I will.

“No, I got this.” I check my weapon and walk ahead of him.

We creep down the hall and get to a set of double doors. I lean into it to listen, and I hear Malachi choking out marriage vows.