Page 35 of Sparrow

I pull my clothes off quickly and grab the suit. I put it on as I glare at the clock on the dresser.

Twenty minutes left. I swallow and move faster.

Aspen’s life depends on it.

* * *


“I found him!” Glitch yells from where she set up outside the clubhouse.

The Bomb Squad arrived, and they’ve been working with Uncle Asher and Aspen.

“Where?” I move closer but keep my eyes on the SUV my sister is trapped in.

Hannah is talking to the EMTs on standby, and Spark is pacing the line setup to keep the public back. A news crew arrived a few minutes ago and is setting up to broadcast.

“Mayor Mansion.” I practically break my neck to look at her.

“WHAT?” That’s only five minutes from us.

“I’m hacking into his security.” I nod and look up to see the SUV light up green.

They’re using a special device that scans the area for wires connected to the bomb. The green areas are safe, but the red ones still have a connection to the trigger. Red lights up the windows, door handles, and the hood, from what I can see.

A thought accords to me as the guy starts to move away.

“WAIT! Check the roof.” I call out and move away from Glitch.

Everyone stops and looks at me like I’m nuts.

“Moon roof. Is that live?” The sun with the device looks around for something to climb up on.

Spark grabs the dude and lifts him onto his shoulder.

“Jesus, man!” He exclaims, almost drooping his equipment.

“SCAN IT,” I growl

“Moon roof is clear.” I smile at Uncle Asher.

“Break it!” No one moves at first, and then a fireman comes over with an axe.

Uncle Asher signs to Aspen to take cover, and then the fireman slams the axe into the moon roof. It’s sticking inside the glass instead of shattering, and he struggles to pull it back out.

I come over and grab on, and we both pull until we fly backward. I shake off the fall and look to see the glass came with us. The black bag with the bomb in it comes up through the moon roof and then Aspen’s head.

“Who wants this?” Her voice is horse from crying.

“I’ll take it.” A member of the squad dressed in a marshmallow suit carefully takes the bag from my sister and then turns to a robot that has been waiting on the sidelines.

It’s supposed to contain a detention.

I’m so busy watching the bomb go into the robot that when I’m tackled to the ground, I scream like a bitch.

“I ain’t heard that sound since you were a teenager.” Uncle Asher laughs as I hold a sobbing Aspen in my lap.

“Shh, I got you sissy.” I rub her back and glare at my uncle.