Aiden lifted her chin with his knuckle, so she had to look at him. “There’s no ‘if,’ Sunshine. I’m not letting you go again.”

Her patient smile let him know she wasn’t a believer.

They’d cleared the first hurdle—he was taking her home, but he knew he had his work cut out for him.

Good thing he could be a stubborn fucker when he needed to be.

Chapter Forty


Once he put the Audi in drive, he reached for her hand.

“Do you want to go back to your house or mine? Or we could hop a plane to Vegas.”

“Vegas? In the mood to do a little gambling?”

“Haven’t you always wanted to get married by Elvis?”

His smirk let her know he was kidding, but her heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. The problem was she couldn’t figure out if the idea was exciting or scary.

Maybe a little of both.

“Let’s just go to my place. Barney is home by himself. I wasn’t planning on staying out late.”

“Damn right you weren’t.”

His growly possessiveness made her toes curl.

Still, she couldn’t help but give it back to him. “Although… Vegas could be fun.”

He took his eyes off the road to glare at her. “Don’t tease me, Sunshine. I’ll drive us to the airport right now.”

She realized he was serious.

“You’d really want to go to Vegas?”

“Sure. Like you said, it’d be fun.”

“To get married?”

“Okay,” he backpedaled. “I was just kidding about Elvis marrying us. But I think a spontaneous weekend away together would be perfect.”

A weekend anywhere with him sounded perfect. She still couldn’t believe he was the one taking her home. She never saw that coming. After all, she’d gone out with Hank tonight toavoidrunning into him.

“Does it have to be Vegas?”

He brought her knuckles to his lips. “Sunshine, it can be wherever the fuck you want. Name it, I’ll make it happen.”

She leaned her head back against the headrest and looked over at him with a grin. “Surprise me.”



There were two options that came to mind.

“You’ve got two choices, New York at the Four Seasons. We see a show, walk around, eat at a nice restaurant…”