Dakota winced. “Yes, it’s a long story, but I promise it wasn’t planned. Us both being here tonight was a happy accident.”
She looked up at the woman and smiled. She kind of admired her balls. Gesturing to one of the empty chairs, she said, “Would you like to sit down…?”
“Denise,” the woman supplied as she took a seat.
“Hi, Denise, I’m Dakota and this is Hank.”
“Hank,” she purred. “So nice to meet you.”
Hank had a glint in his eye when he took her hand, kissed her knuckles, and said, “The pleasure is all mine.”
He was a nice guy, but Dakota suspected he wasn’t too nice to let an opportunity to get laid pass him by.
Just then, Aiden appeared and offered his hand to Hank.
“Aiden Matthews.”
“Hank Romero.”
“Dinner is on me tonight, Hank. Get dessert, a bottle of expensive wine, and whatever else you want, but if you don’t mind, I’m going to take Dakota home.”
Hank’s expression was kind when he looked over at her. “I don’t mind at all.” He then turned to Denise with a salacious grin. “What do you say we take him up on that wine and dessert?”
He knew the bill tonight was going to set him back at least a grand, and he couldn’t care less. He needed to get Dakota alone. Preferably naked, although at that point, he didn’t even care about the naked part; he just wanted to hold her. So, if buying a few extra over-priced dinners, along with an expensive bottle of wine or two was the price he had to pay, so be it.
Denise had realized he was no longer listening to her, and it didn’t take her long to figure out what, or rather—who, had his interest. Aiden suspected her not being the center of a man’s attention didn’t happen very often, because she was quick to call him on it. He decided his best course of action was honesty, something he quickly regretted when she stomped off toward Dakota and her date’s table.
Then she sat down.
Aiden didn’t give a shit about Denise’s ire—although he probably was going to owe Miles and Bridget a really expensive baby gift when their kid was born in a few months—it was Dakota whom he didn’t want pissed off at him for Denise’s stunt.
With a sigh, he flagged down his waiter to have the desserts they’d ordered boxed instead of delivered to their table, and explained the bill situation, then headed to Dakota’s table.
Fortunately, it seemed that Denise had been an excellent consolation prize because Dakota’s date didn’t give him any hassle about taking her home.
“Ready, Sunshine?”
She looked across the table at the man she’d come with. “Thank you for being so understanding, Hank.”
The dude gave a quick glance at Denise then back at Dakota. “Everything happens for a reason.”
Aiden admired his style.
As Dakota stood up, he gave Hank a head nod and offered, “It was nice meeting you, Denise.”
Aiden thought she was going to tell him off, but instead she barely glanced at him when she replied, “Thank you for dinner.”
He decided not to tell her to order another dessert since he was taking hers home with him. She’d figure it out.
“You’re welcome.” With his hand on Dakota’s back, he ushered her to the hostess stand to get his credit card and to-go bag. While they waited, he glanced over to find Hank and Denise laughing.
“That’ll be a great ‘how we met’ story if those two end up together,” he mused as he gestured to the pair.
“Heck, I think it’s a great story ifweend up together.”