“To new friends.”

“To new friends,” she reiterated, then clinked her glass against his before taking a sip.

“Have you eaten here before?” Hank asked as he opened his menu.

“Just once, many years ago. What about you?”

“It’s one of my favorite restaurants.”

“Oh, what do you recommend then?”

“Honestly? You can’t go wrong with any of their dishes, so it just depends on what you’re in the mood for.”

What she was in the mood for…

On instinct, Dakota looked over at Aiden and found him watching her, wearing a pirate grin. She had to quickly look down at her menu and press her lips together to keep from reacting.

But her insides were doing somersaults.

Thankfully, Hank was studying the selections and didn’t seem to notice.

Their server came and took their order. When Dakota told her Chateaubriand, Hank commented, “Excellent choice.”

After the server left, he picked up his glass and swirled the amber contents as he said, “So, tell me more about you. Raul said you have three locations; that’s really impressive.”

“Thank you. It’s been a grind, but things are starting to pay off. I’m very thankful to have found such an amazing accountant in Raul. You have a great partner.”

“I agree. We were college roommates, so I was a little worried about going into business with him. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but we’re about to celebrate our fifteenth year in business together.”

“Wow, congratulations!”

“You’ll have to be sure to come to our party.”

“I’d love to. Be sure to send me an invite.”

He really was a nice guy, and had she not been hung up on Aiden, she might have even considered dating him romantically. He was handsome, kind, and a genuinely good man. But he was no grumpy heart doctor who made her panties wet.

Dakota stole another glance at Aiden, who was once again watching her. Or maybe he’d never stopped.

She and Hank made more small talk all through dinner. She discovered he had thirteen-year-old twins, and she shared that she was a grandma.

As their plates were removed, he looked over at her with a gentle smile. “This really is just going to be a platonic evening, isn’t it?”

She reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry. You’re a great guy and if I weren’t in love with someone else, I’d jump at the chance to date you.”

Did I just say I’m in love with Aiden?

That’s when she realized, she really was.

How was that even possible? They’d only spent two weekends together. It had to just be infatuation.

But in her heart, she knew it was more.

He was about to reply when they both noticed a woman standing at their table. It was Aiden’s date.

“Hi. Excuse me.” Her attention was focused solely on Hank. “I just wanted to let you know that if you thought there was going to be a love connection tonight with your date, you’re wasting your time. Apparently, she and my date are an item.” She handed him her card. “But if ever want to go out with someone who’sactuallyavailable, give me a call.”

Hank looked startled as he glanced back at Dakota. “Um… the guy you’re in love with—he’s here? On a date with someone else?”