A breathless voice calls from somewhere nearby, but it doesn’t belong to any of my mates. I crane my neck to look in the direction of the noise, and my mouth falls open when I see Ignatius racing toward me, two monsters on his heels.
“Ignatius?” I say, hardly able to believe he saved my life a second time.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” he jokes, kneeling beside me to assess my wound. The monsters flanking him run off toward the fight, throwing spells left and right as they attack, and it hits me that all of they’re warlocks.
Ignatius left and returned with reinforcements.
I can’t be mad at that.
He tsks his tongue, gently pulling the fabric of my shirt aside. I wince at the faint touch, and refuse to look down, afraid I’ll faint at the sight of blood.
“Is it bad?” I murmur, grinding my teeth against the pain.
“It’s… not good,” he says. “But I’ll have you fixed up in a minute. It might hurt a bit.”
I roll my eyes. “Does anything about magic not hurt?”
He chuckles dryly and places his hands on my abdomen, his fingers gentle against my stomach. I wince, taking a bracing breath and squeezing my eyes shut.
Thankfully, the magic doesn’t hurt nearly as much as the Malev carving me like a turkey. It’s a hot throb, pulsing through my torso as it stitches my skin back together, and when I open my eyes again, the pain has disappeared completely.
I stare up at Ignatius in disbelief.
“You didn’t mention we have healing magic,” I say.
“Some of us do.” He nods and helps me to my feet. “It’s complicated magic, and not everyone can do it. It’s good for minor wounds, but nothing major.”
His eyes drop to my chest, which is almost completely exposed since my shirt was torn in half.
Fuck.Though titties might be a decent distraction for a lot of these creatures, I’d rather not go running into battle with my tits bouncing around everywhere.
“May I?” Ignatius asks awkwardly, gesturing to my chest. I stare at him in stunned silence, wondering if this is the strangest way I’ve ever been hit on before, but he carefully slices the fabric into strips with his nails and ties the sides together to give me some sort of modesty.
When he’s finished, most of me is covered.
“Perfect,” he says. “Now, get somewhere safe and we’ll handle it from here. We’ll keep–”
I shake my head to cut him off. “No way. You ditched us and I’ve handled myself well. I’m staying to fight.”
Ignatius shakes his head, obviously annoyed by my stubbornness, but I don’t care. With the warlocks added to the fight, we have a real chance of winning this fight, and I’m not going to miss it. Besides, since being healed, I can feel my magic buzzing beneath my skin once again.
I’m recharged and ready for round two.
“You’re right,” he says. “Just try to keep up.”
He turns and races toward the ongoing fight where the giant Malev is back on his feet, and I follow after him, ignoring the twinge of pain in my side.
When I land at Rafe’s side in front of the giant Malev, I don’t expect him to notice. When he addresses me, I’m expecting it even less, and his glaring red gaze in my direction makes me freeze.
“What the hell is Devyn doing here?” he growls.
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. I still don’t know how she made it through the portal, or how she suddenly has such powerful magic at her disposal, but I’ll get all those answers later. Right now, we have to put this giant sack of Malevolent shit to bed for good.