“Get her out of here,” Rafe demands, whirling on the giant once more.

The Malev whips its tail in our direction, and we dodge, Rafe lunging to the side while I leap into the air with a flap of my wings. Normally I wouldn’t defy him–I know better than to ignore his commands–but there’s no time for me to take Devyn anywhere.

Where the hell would I even take her?

Sending her to Earth couldn’t even keep her away from this war. What good would dragging her away from here do if she’ll probably just find her way back again?

Besides, even if he won’t say it out loud, Rafe needs my help.

“She’s fine,” I argue, rocketing into the air to avoid whatever he’s going to say next. He’s going to be pissed, but I’ll deal with the wrath later. After we’ve taken down this giant. After we’ve won.

Azarius is darting amongst the swarm of monsters below, leaping over fallen bodies as he tries to get behind the demon. I have no idea what he’s planning, or if he even has a plan, but my mind is reeling as I look back at the seemingly unbeatable giant.

Devyn’s magic seems to have injured it to some degree. It’s limping as it attempts to step on more monsters, crushing them beneath its weight, and its movements seem labored. It’s a start, but it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon.

The white smear of Azarius’ form darting around catches my eye, and I see him leap onto the demon’s tail, climbing up it carefully like a ladder. I cut left through the air, watching as he climbs the thing’s back. He must be aiming for its head.

Is he going to try and blind it again?

There’s not much else we can do in terms of injuring it. Beating on it is like slamming into the side of a mountain, and it hasn’t proved very effective. If we’re going to beat this thing, we’ll need more than sheer strength.

If only I could access more of my magic than simple portal-making. Maybe then we’d stand a chance. If only Ignatius was here.

The thought forms a hitch in my chest, and I shove it away. I’m worried enough about Devyn’s well-being. I can’t afford any more distractions.

Speaking of distractions…

If Azarius has a plan, the least I can do is distract the demon long enough for him to go through with it. I pump my wings, swinging around in front of the demon, floating just in front of its face.

“Hey, ugly,” I say, waving my arms around to get its attention.

It works, drawing his attention away from the monsters on the ground, and he growls, breathing a hot, rancid puff of air in my face. My stomach turns, but I swallow the bile creeping up my throat.

“That’s it, catch me if you can.”

I rush toward its face, intent on clawing its eyes out if I make it, but a giant, claw-tipped hand swings in my direction and I dive for the ground to escape it. Another hand swings at me, and I dodge a second too late, a claw catching the tip of my wing and tearing through the membranous skin.

I yell, tumbling for a second before I’m able to right myself, but the pain shooting through my right wing makes it hard to fly straight. I curse under my breath, diving out of the way to avoid more claws and trying to get my eyes on Azarius.

He’s made it to the Malev’s shoulder now and pauses to figure out his next move.

I wish he’d told me what the fuck he’s planning.

All I can do now is stay close by and catch him if he falls.Again.

A stream of magic flies through the air, hitting the giant in the chest, and he throws his head back with a roar. My heart leaps into my throat and I look to the ground, afraid Devyn has thrown herself back into the fight, but there’s no sign of her. Instead, a male monster with shimmering silver skin launches another blast at the monster, sending a sparkling green ball directly into his chest.

Another warlock.

A second monster joins him, spinning a ball of golden light between his hands, before sending it straight for the Malev’s knee.

“Fuck yeah,” I say to no one in particular. Now we’ve got ourselves a fight.

The Malev stumbles back, nearly losing his balance, right at the moment Azarius dives for its face.

This time, Az successfully latches onto the giant’s face and swings his claws directly for the middle eye. They sink in, tearing through the sensitive tissue, and Azarius rips the eyeball out of its socket, tossing it back over his shoulder.

A roar explodes through the air, making my ears ring, as the Malevolent reaches frantically for Azarius. He’s already stabbing toward the second eye, claws dig in and tearing through it, by the time the giant grabs him in its giant fist and rips him away.