She narrows her eyes at me, but a smile betrays her amusement. “Because I know you well enough. You don’t visit anyone for trivialities.”

I chuckle once and run my tongue over my teeth in thought. Of course she knows me well. She didn’t get to where she is by not observing and learning those around her.

“Fair enough,” I say and pat the cushion next to me on the couch for her to join. I want her good and comfortable with me before I go making demands, and judging by the look in her eye she was waiting for an invitation.

Hips swaying, she makes her way over and sits at my side. She takes another sip of her drink, swishing it around in the glass, before flashing her vibrant purple eyes my way.

“Go on.”

“I’m here to make a proposition,” I say, shifting my arm so that my fingertips brush her shoulder. It’s unsettling, being this close to another woman after I’ve all but branded my name on Devyn’s body, but I persist. The way to Mistress Raiine’s good side has always been flattery and physicality. “I’d like to make a deal with you.”

One of her brows arches upward and she purses her lips. “A deal?”

I nod and adjust myself, inching closer to her despite my instincts to keep my distance. I then drop my voice in case anyone in the hall is still listening.

“Yes, a deal. You know that the Malevolents are assembling, growing in numbers daily,” I say, brushing back a loose curl from her shoulder.

“I’m aware.” She’s still staring, waiting for me to get to my point.

“Things are getting dangerous out there. I doubt it will be long before they launch an attack to wipe us out.” My voice is still low. “Don’t you agree?”

She works her lips together, shifting uncomfortably in her seat and taking another drink. “I’ve been keeping tabs on them for a while now, and I must sayyes. I agree. Something must be done.”

I force a smile. This is going to be easier than I thought.

“My sentiments exactly,” I say. “Which brings me to my proposition… I’ve recruited hundreds, if not thousands, who are willing to fight at my command. Help me spread the word, help me build this army. Not only will we eradicate the Malev scum from our realm, but you will have anything you desire. I’ll make sure of it.”

Her other brow joins the first in surprise and she tilts her head to one side. Despite my relaxed demeanor, my nerves have flared up, and I’m beginning to wonder if Raiine will actually agree. Despite my initial confidence, she has always been unpredictable.

What if she can’t be swayed?

“And if I have everything I want already?” she asks, turning her body slightly to face me and subsequently bringing herself closer to me. “What then?”

“Mistress,” I say as delicately as I can manage. “That’s one thing I admire about you, and I think it’s something we have in common. We will never be content to settle–we always want more, deserve more. Besides, half the thrill of obtaining something grand is the chase, am I right?”

“Well, you’re certainly not wrong.” She knocks back the rest of her drink and hands me the empty glass, which I place on the side table.

“What do you say?” I ask. “Join us. Protect our realm from the enemy. All I’m asking is your allegiance.”

She hesitates, twirling a loose curl around one of her long fingers, as though she’s debating. Though, if I’m honest, I think she’s already made her decision and she just wants to torture me a bit. Sadistic vixen.

“I’ve always been fond of you, Rafe, and I do think we have a lot in common,” she says, reaching to rest a hand on my thigh. “I’ll agree to your proposition. You have my support, as well as that of my employees and much of my clientele. But I will be compensated greatly for my trouble.”

“Perfect,” I say, bringing her hand to my lips again for embellishment.

“I do have one request of my own.” She smirks when I release her hand.

I cock an eyebrow at her. “Name it.”

“I want information,” she says.

“Go on,” I encourage. “I’ll give you what I can.”

With a mischievous look in her eyes, she leans forward suddenly, draping herself over my arm, and getting close enough to whisper in my ear. Her warm breath rolls across my skin, sending chills down my back.

“There’s a rumor going around that you have something,” she whispers, her lips dangerously close to my neck. “Something I want.”

Her accusation is unexpected, but I remain unbothered on the outside. I wrack my brain trying to think of what she could possibly want from me, but nothing sticks out.