“What’s that?”

“A human.”

My heart lurches at the words, and it takes every bit of self control I possess to remain composed. Ross hearing the rumor is one thing–that fucker hears everything–but it’s clearly spreading, making its way across the realm. If Mistress Raiine knows, there’s no telling how many other monsters have caught wind.

The worst part–it’s not a rumor.

These monsters are dangerously close to the truth, and it doesn’t matter how much I try to convince them she’s part warlock–she doesn’t look or smell like one, and she can’t produce magic. To them, she’s as good as human. One that can cross through the portal unscathed.

What lengths would they go to in order to have her for themselves? Would they cross me? Ross has already tried once, and he damn near succeeded.

I’ll have his head on a platter before this is all said and done with.

The rest of them can try to take her, but it won’t pan out in their favor. I have no problem taking on half the realm to keep her safe, but it does pose a problem if we’re all convening to attack the Malevs. Where will Devyn be? At home alone? With us on the battlefield?

No. Neither will work.

But I can’t work out an alternative right now.

“You want a human?” I ask, attempting to redirect her suspicion. “For what?”

“As I told you, my newest acquisition is quite the spectacle around here. Nearly all my regular clients request him,” she whispers, running one of her long nails down the front of my shirt. “He’s a human shape-shifter. I wasn’t sure if he would survive crossing between realms, but he did just fine. If there is another that’s able to pass through the portal, I would pay handsomely to add them to my…collection.”

The way she talks about Devyn like a trophy she can hang on her wall turns my stomach, especially considering the debauchery that transpires within these walls, but I force a pleasant smile past the discomfort.


“You aren’t the only filthy rich monster in this realm,” she teases. “Name your price.”

I grab her hand before it dips too low down my front and turn to meet her gaze. “I have to put the rumor to rest, unfortunately. I don’t have a human in my possession,” I assure her with a frown.

She sighs, clearly not pleased with my answer. “That’s disappointing. When Danton told me you were here, I have to admit, I was hopeful.”

I apologize again and place her hand onto her lap, letting my fingers linger with hers. “I don’t like to disappoint, but if I come by one, I’ll deliver them to you with haste. You have my word.”

Seemingly satisfied with my promise, Mistress Raiine moves to stand, and I take that as my cue to rise. Rather than getting her doorman to escort me to the exit, she walks me there herself and even pulls the door open for me.

“It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Rafe,” she says with a wicked grin. “I presume I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Yes, you will.” I nod. “Be ready.”

I turn to descend the mansion’s front stairs, dissolving into shadow once again and shifting my way down the walkway to the iron gate. I have several more stops to make before I can head home, several more monsters to meet with, but an ache within me urges me to return to my mansion.

If so many monsters believe I possess a portal-crossing human, I need to be home protecting her rather than running across the realm, but I fight against the desire burning through me. This must be done, even if it’s a nuisance, but now I have that much more of a reason to move swiftly.

I have to get back to Devyn so I can work out a way to protect her from everyone who’d love to take her from me.



Over the next few days, Elio and Azarius hardly let me out of their sight. It’s like they’re worried Malevs are going to burst through the walls at any moment and they want to make sure I’m not left unprotected for even a second.

I bathe with one or the other, but never together, and they’ve both taken to sleeping in my room. Two is better than one as far as protection goes, and they’re determined to make sure I’m as safe as possible. I have to admit, I’m enjoying the attention, even if the root of it is their fear that something is going to happen to me.

Ignatius’ disappearance has forced me to face my own mortality and my mates’ vulnerability here at the mansion. None of us are truly safe, and tomorrow isn’t promised, so we must take advantage of every second we have together. No one knows when it could be our last moment together. A grim notion, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I’m curled up comfortably against Azarius while Elio massages my feet at the foot of the bed, living in what I’m convinced is utter bliss. My eyelids are heavy, and as they drift closed and I slowly slip into sleep, Az tenses against me.