Page 83 of Ruthless Ends

“Don’t ever do that again.”


“Iam supposed to protectyou. Don’teverdo that—”

“Come here.” His other hand finds the side of my neck, and he tugs me against his side and tucks my head beneath his chin, but I resist from leaning my weight into him.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” I sniffle, only now noticing the tears on my cheeks.

“You won’t.”

“You can’t do things like this, Reid. Not with so many people counting on you now. You can get another partner. But the region needs you. No one who could take your place will care for them the way I know you will. You are the only hope they have for change. You are the only hope they have for something better.”

He presses his lips to the top of my head. “You’re not just my partner, Valerie. You know that. And I will never apologize for doing everything I can to protect you. So please, I don’t want to argue. Just sit here with me.”

Once it’s clear I really won’t hurt him, I let myself relax against his chest, which is where I stay even long after he falls back asleep.


There aretwo noticeably empty seats in the conference room the following night. They could’ve easily been filled with other officials or Marionettes who are standing among the outskirts of the room, but I have a feeling Auclair’s using them as a visual reminder of the two deceased royals to sway the vote.

Especially since they’re right beside Anya.

She seems mostly healed now, but faint pink scars on her face catch the light as she turns her head. Her hands are tightly grasped together on the table, but her expression is impassive as we walk inside, a flick of her eyes the only sign she notices us.

After a full day’s rest and two additional feeding and healing sessions, Reid manages to walk on his own, the slight wince as he sits down the only indication he’s in pain.

“My people are starting to panic,” says Queen Suksai near the head of the table. “If Westcott breached security here, we can’t stay. And I don’t want to leave my estate unprepared if we’re one of his next targets—”

“This wasn’t him,” Auclair insists, rising to his feet and raising his palms for the rest of the side conversations in the room to quiet. “I will make an announcement shortly after this meeting to put minds at ease. This was an isolated attack, and Nathan Van Doren was working alone. An altercation over a personal matter with Alexei Vasiliev escalated, and when his father stepped in to break it up, he was also killed.” His words are matter-of-fact, but he at least has the decency to pause and bow his head in acknowledgment to Anya. “The suspect has been thoroughly questioned, and his blood tests showed a significant level of alcohol and other illegal substances, which we believe contributed to his lapse in judgment that allowed his vampiric instincts to take over to such a violent degree. This was a tragic accident, and we need to take immediate action before rumors and panic spreads. I’ve gathered you all to put his fate to a vote. We have our own procedures here, but given the severity of the crime and the unusual circumstances, I wanted all of your voices to be heard.”

It takes everything in me to keep my face in check. Is heserious? He honestly believes this was some drunken frat boy fight gone wrong? Both of the Vasilievs werebeheadedand mounted on the wall.

“If we’re all in agreement, the lunar Marionettes have requested we wait until the full moon on Saturday so they can harness the energy from his death to strengthen the wards around the estates. I’ll make the announcement today, and he’ll publicly confess to his crimes prior to his execution.”

Reid’s brow is furrowed as he watches Auclair. This seems too good to be true.

I’d been worried I’d have to tell Auclair the truth about what happened with V. They were so certain nothing could breach the boundary they erected, that security was impenetrable. If they blamed this on Westcott and assumed he somehow broke through, they might have relocated everyone to somewhere not as safe. There are too many people here to fit in the bunker.

But for him to so readily believe Westcott has nothing to do with this, especially after several displays of mind manipulation that we don’t fully understand—like what happened with Reid’s mother—Auclair is smarter than that.


My blood runs cold.

Unless he’s been manipulated too.

The other officials, at least, seem more skeptical as they look around the table.

“Are we certain his memories hadn’t been tampered with?” offers an advisor.

“I looked through his mind myself,” says Auclair, “along with half a dozen Marionettes, but you’re all welcome to do the same. All security systems have been analyzed as well. I can assure you I would not guarantee your safety here lightly given the stakes.”

I feel for the bond in my chest and give it a tentative pull. Reid sits up straighter but doesn’t look at me.

I think V got to him too.

“All in favor of moving forward with the execution this Saturday?”