Page 84 of Ruthless Ends

You can’t tell him the truth, says Reid.It’s too dangerous.If they find out the full extent of it—that you’ve been practicing dark magic and can control vampires,they’ll execute you too, Valerie. They won’t leave anything to chance, especially not right now.

One by one, murmurs of agreement fill the room.

“This show of strength is what we need right now,” continues Auclair. “Put our people’s minds at ease.”

So you’re saying we should just let Nathan take the fall for this?


I blink back to the room as Auclair levels his gaze on Reid.

“The attack happened on Auclair property, but Nathan Van Doren is your subject. We will only move ahead for his execution with your approval. But people want answers. We need to give them something. Are we in agreement?”

All attention lands on Reid—the only other person in this room who knows what really happened. The veins in his hands stand out as he tightens his fists against his thighs. He looks from Auclair to Anya.

The people of the Carrington estate will see this as his first decision as their king. If they believe Nathan broke their sacred law against killing other vampires, they’ll be satisfied with nothing less than his death. If Reid shows too much mercy, they might find him weak, incompetent to rule.

There’s no way to spare Nathan and satisfy his subjects without outing me.

He’d been so broken up over the attack on Westcott’s compound, over the thousands of people he helped kill. And that had been an act of war, one with a chance—no matter how small it might have been—that Westcott would have negotiated instead.

I can’t rule like her. I won’t.

But this…forcing him to execute a man he knows to be innocent just to save me…

I can’t. I can’t let him. I can’t watch what that will do to him.

I clear my throat, and it sounds too loud in the silence of the room, but he speaks before I can.


* * *

Reid’sentire demeanor changes once we’re behind the closed doors of his room again. His limp becomes significantly more pronounced, his shoulders slumped, and he all but drags himself across the room before collapsing into bed. I say nothing, just resituate the pillows and grab him another blood bag and healing potion.

“I’m fine,” he murmurs. “I just need rest. You were here all day. You should get some sleep.”

As much as I don’t want to leave his side, I could desperately use a few hours of sleep…and a shower. I bite my lip, feeling like we should talk about what happened, but his eyes are closed, and God, the bags under them are so dark they look like bruises. It can wait.

Adrienne’s not in her room when I step inside, leaving me with only my thoughts for company as I hop in the shower. After voting on Nathan’s fate, the officials agreed to hold off on another attack against Westcott’s compounds until the Marionettes are able to use the sacrifice to strengthen the wards, not just at this estate, but all of them. That way we’ll be more prepared for Westcott’s next move.

But a break from the violence for few days doesn’t bring much comfort.

I climb straight into bed with my hair still wet. I just need to close my eyes for a few minutes, then I’ll be fine—

* * *

I waketo someone violently shaking my shoulders. I slam my hand up, instincts taking over, and something hard crunches against my palm.

“Ow! Fuck, Val!”

My eyes fly open as Adrienne stumbles back a step, a hand covering her nose.

“Oh my God. Sorry. Is it broken?”

Her fingers come away bloody, but the damage looks minimal. At least, until I take in the smeared makeup. Tracks of mascara run down her face like she’s been crying.

I bolt upright. How long was I asleep? “What happened? Are you okay?”