Angel shook her head. “So why would this Manny guy just throw me on you like this?”

“Er— let’s worry about the whys and wherefores later. In a word, I think he thought it would be funny.” Ross rubbed his jaw. He didn’t exactly want to share the details about his conversations with Manny, who seemed to think he’d be happiest keeping Angel barefoot and pregnant. Like he was some kind of Sultan in need of a concubine.

“Why don’t we try something? I can try to break you out of the suggestion,” Ross offered.

She bristled like a wildcat. “You ain’t about to shrink my head. I said no, and I meant it.”

But Ross insisted, and when Ross insisted on anything he got his way. With Angel it was no different. Whether she wanted to or not, she was going to do this. Thankfully she gave in without his needing to resort to drastic measures. With a reluctant sigh Angel sat on the footrest, facing the couch.

Ross sat across from her. “Close your eyes.”

“Yes, sir.”

I like when she says that…stow it, you big dumb jackass.Focus.

Angel’s eyes fluttered shut. Long thick eyelashes brushed her elegant cheekbones. Her wide nose was cute, but the rest of her face could have been carved from pure cherrywood. She was perfect as a painting. Ross could stare at a beauty like that every day for the rest of his life and never find a flaw. As the thought came on him suddenly, behind it followed the realization that he wanted her to think of him in the same way. Under layers of cynicism the urge to impress her burned hotter, a tiny coal slowly building to a flame.

“Now what?” she whispered, eyes still closed. “Stop staring at me.”

“I’m not staring.” Ross lied. “You ready?”


“Picture a calm, very still lake.”

Her lips twitched.

“An– girl. Focus.”

“Don’t say my name.”

He threatened, “I just might,if you don’t listen.”

Her eyes opened. “You would do that?”

He put a hand on her leg. “Close your eyes.”

Something burned in her gaze as she obeyed him. He left his hand on her leg.

“Now what?” She whispered.

“The lake. Picture the lake.”

Ross understood that as hypnotist he must help guide the hypnotee through each transition carefully. He had to make small suggestions at a slow pace, leading her deep into the spell with a gentle hand. He thought to create an atmosphere. Gently he said, “The water is blue. The sun is shining–”

“The water is green,” said Angel.

“Green,” agreed Ross. “There’s birds. Um– Geese.”

“No there’s not.”

“You can’t talk while I’m hypnotizing you.”

“You’re ruining my fantasy with your geese.”

Ross was annoyed. “Do you even want to do this?”

Her eyes snapped open again. “So I can’t think of a lake unless it’s your lake?”