“Women,” said Ross. “Fine. Take your green lake and close your eyes.”

“This don’t make no sense, anyway. How am I supposed to get my memories back thinking about lakes?” Angel saw his expression and flushed. She shut her eyes then. “Whatever. I’m thinking about my green lake,” she mumbled.

Ross checked himself. “It’s peaceful…calm…There’s a boat drifting towards you.” He thought about the cram session he’d had that day on hypnosis. Reading, listening to theories, digesting every piece of information he could in the hopes it would work. There were two types of people in the world: those open to Suggestion, and those who were not. The fact that Angel had been hypnotized once meant it could be done again.

But Ross had not hypnotized anybody before. The method was straightforward, but one could still make mistakes. He had to be careful. Removing Manny’s suggestion would be like trying to dig out a burrowsome tick with fine-point tweezers.

“There’s something in the boat,” he said.

A pucker appeared between Angel’s eyebrows.

The house was too quiet. Damn if the girl wasn’t the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Damn Manny…

You could have just sent her in here normally. I like her fine the way she is.

Would she ever see him in a natural way without that sex-freak split personality taking over?

Angel, Angel.

I could have her in the bed with just one word.

“What do you see in the boat?” he asked.

“You,” mumbled Angel.

“Am I alone?”


“What are we doing?”

“We’re naked,” she said. “We’re naked…touching each other.”

“Ah…” He tightened his hand on her knee.Fuck.

“Where am I touching?”Fuck-head! Back off! Retreat!

“My titties,” she said.

He leaned closer. “You like it?” he asked.

“I love it.” She shuddered and curled up her back like she was shaking something off her shoulders. Or shaking her titties.

“I love it…But not just because I have to,” she whispered.

“What do you mean?”

“I have to fuck you because Manny said.”

“Right,” Ross rasped.

“But it ain’t just Manny in my head. There’s me, and what I’m thinking.”

“What are you thinking, Angel?”

She climbed suddenly into his lap. This wasn’t part of the plan. He could have removed her. He didn’t. Instead Ross sank back into the couch, his dick hardening in a flash. Straddling him not only set her cunny down along the length of his cock, it pushed all her favorite parts right up in his face.

His careful plans scattered as she rolled her hips directly on his dick, her face in his neck.