Page 14 of Sins Of The Father

He nodded, looking down at the part in his hand. "Okay, as long as you understand what it could mean for you."

I had.

I knew exactly what was going to happen. The Gallo family would falter, probably act recklessly, and take out my own family but without Judd, they wouldn't know their left from their right hand, and they'd all die.

Long live the Gallo's.


Christa swungon the large tire that had been made into a swing that hung off a large tree branch and laughed. Indigo handed me a cup of coffee and sat down on the doorstep with me. Caleb was pushing Christa on the swing, causing her to scream with delight.

"Any issues?" I asked him.

"No. We're safe here. I told you I would protect her with my life."

"Is that why I can smell whiskey in your coffee?"

Indigo chuckled. "If I don't, then the multiple episodes of Paw Patrol will actually make me want to shoot the TV."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Everything else okay?"

"She's pretty smart," he said. "She's asked if you're okay a lot, and somehow, she knows when I'm lying."

"Unfortunately, she's seen a lot. She had to keep me awake the night you rescued me. I don't want her to keep living this life. Judd needs to die."

"No doubt," Indigo replied. "But let me or Caleb do it. You can take her, run from here, start a new life and be happy."

"Everyone wants me to do that, but I just can't. I need to show him…I need to take back my freedom."

Indigo nodded, finishing off his drink and getting up to head over to Christa and Caleb. Christa ran over to me and tackled me to the ground. I hugged her tightly as I righted us on the porch.

"Are you sad, mama?" she asked me. I looked down into those beautiful blue eyes that held all the innocence in the world, and I realised in that moment I would do anything to protect this little girl. I would lay down my own life for her to be happy.

"Why would you ask that, baby?"

"I can see it," she said. "You have red eyes just like when we had to lock ourselves in the bathroom."

My chest seized as I realised just how much she knew at such a young age. I'd done that. I had made it so she knew pain and anguish when she shouldn't be able to tell if I'd been crying or not.

"Baby, you don't need to worry about me. I worry about you."

"Was it Daddy?" she asked me, the sadness was evident in her eyes. I didn't want to tell her what I intended to do, it was her father after all, but she had to know he wasn't a good man.

"I lost a friend today," I told her. "That made me sad."

Christa hugged me tightly, and I felt the tears begin to well in my eyes. I fought them off, not wanting to show how weak I really was over Scarlette's death.

"We should go," Caleb said as he came over to us. "It's getting late."

I nodded and stood up as Christa hung off me. "I may need some help with this big bag of bones."

Indigo wrestled Christa off me, and she giggled and screamed in joy.

"Say bye to mama," Indigo said to Christa. She blew me kisses as Indigo took her inside. I needed to get Judd out of the way so I could get Christa and we could live a happy life together. I owed this to her.

Anything for her.

Caleb led me back to the car. Once we were on our way, he looked over at me. I could see it from the side of my eye. "What?"