Page 13 of Sins Of The Father

"He won't know what hit him. I'm a trained sniper," he said. "It will be over in the blink of an eye."

"I appreciate it, Caleb, I do, but you know I need to do this myself now. I need to make it right for Christa. He will take her from me, if not by force, then definitely by law."

"Don't do it now," he said. "I can get you a new identity, get you out of the country. You can start a new life with Christa."

I put my hand on his cheek. He was doing everything for me, even risking himself in the process.

"I appreciate it, Caleb, I do, but you know I have to do this. I am, however, going to take a break from trying to wreak havoc on him. I want him to let his guard down."

Caleb nodded. "Why don't I take you up to see Christa?"

"We can't. He'll have people on us."

"Not if we start some shit in the middle of the city. We know where they are during the day. If they get the call that we started a beef, they'll all run to help."

"No, we can't do that."

"They killed one of our own," Caleb said. "Judd ain't stupid. He knows what's coming, so they won't think it's a diversion. They will know it's for Lou."

He had a point.

"Can you be sure they won't know it's for me?"

"Yes," he said. "Let me go get changed and tell the boys to go into town. Then we'll go."

I could barely contain my excitement at seeing Christa again. I had hoped it would be all over by now, and I could be with her, but Judd had outsmarted me, and that really pissed me off. I put my poisons away and headed inside.

"Caleb tells me you're going to see Christa," my father said. I almost jumped at his voice. Turning around, I saw him standing at the doorway, with a car part in his hands, his face dirty and his hands greasy. When he needed to think, he had always gone to work on his classic cars.

"You don't agree with that?"

"You just received your best friend's head in a box," he said. "I think you need to take some time and come to terms with that loss."

"If I waited around to grieve for everything I have lost since I met Judd, I'd never do anything ever again."

He straightened and I could see he didn't like what I'd just said. "You went to see your mother a few days ago. Any particular reason?"

"I thought it time to say hello, it's been a while."

"It didn't have anything to do with the fact she had a garden full of poisonous plants?" he enquired.

"She told you?" I asked. "I didn't think you still spoke."

"Of course, we do," he said, exhaustedly. "We have children together."

"Only two and we're both grown," I replied. He was growing tired of my sass, but I wanted to know if what my mother had said was true. Did they still love each other? Suddenly, I felt bad for Clare. "What about Clare?"

"Clare is aware I have children with your mother," he said, angrily. "Now grow up. Going to see Christa is dangerous, for you and for her. Indigo has her, and she's safe. We can get you a new identity, so you and her can go and be free."

"I don't want to be someone else," I replied. "I shouldn't have to change my name and disappear. I shouldn't have to run with my daughter and change everything she knows."

"You're right, you shouldn't have to, but life is hard. We need to do things that aren't fair."

"I thought you would be all for me taking a hard stance, for doing what needs to be done."

"You never wanted this life, Calliope. I only ever wanted for you to achieve what you wanted to achieve, not just what Judd wanted."

"My mind is made up, Dad."