“I am not at liberty to say.” Milo’s eyes flicked to E.Z. over my shoulder. “Sensitive and confidential information and all that.”

“Why? Because of E.Z.?” I asked incredulously. Milo’s expression gave him away.

I don’t know if E.Z.’s pulsing anger was still affecting me, but I was livid. I had been pushed past my boiling point.

“Since you’ve established yourself as the buffer between myself and Arianna,” I worked to clear all emotions from my face and kept my voice even, “you can tell her that if your organization can’t trust these men, we won’t be meeting. They will be joining me every step of the way.”

“Aiden can accompany you. We made special exceptions to allow Ezra to join today because Aiden was needed elsewhere. I apologize for that, and I assure you that he will be by your side going forward, as he should be. You will not need any other protections. Or other males.” Milo looked accusingly at E.Z., and I stiffened at the implication. “We will protect you as we protect all our members' families.”

“I understand that you don’t trust my companions' motives. They have close, familiar ties to the people you’re fighting against. I get that completely. Yet, you trusted my father. He hand selected these men. He trusted them above all else.” I paused, gathering myself, trying not to let my anger make me rash or impulsive. “Plus, I’m assuming that’s why you sent River— sorry, Erin Mae to us? Why send your child to vet us if not to see if we could be trusted?”

Milo lost his smile, looking a little taken aback that I had the nerve to question him. He opened his mouth to respond to my allegations, but I cut him off and kept going. I was not going to allow them to walk all over us.

“So, we’ve been vetted. Haven’t we? She did that before their shields were raised. She’s gotten to know us. Knows our motives. Right now, we’re the ones taking the risks being here. We don’t know you or River. And they may know Aiden.” I jerked my thumb at E.Z. as if he represented all the guys, which he kind of did. “But I don’t know Aiden well enough to risk anything on his word alone or to trust him completely with my safety. I will have them with me, or I will not be going anywhere.”

I sat straighter in my chair, holding up my hand when Milo started talking. I leveled him with a look that dared him to speak. I had more to say, and I would get it out.

But I needed a minute to process. I couldn’t listen to Milo's bullshit excuses while my mind reeled over everything.

Milo was hiding something, which was to be expected for a rebel leader, but this felt personal somehow. The rebels had agreed to and set this meeting up very quickly, arranging to have the leader himself attend on very short notice. Then, there was the rebels’ apt attention as we entered and the way Sariah and Pedri had acted toward us. I doubt that was their typical reaction to visitors or recruits. Also, River openly admitted that she didn’t get close to people if she used her powers, yet she had been trying to get close to me. No, something else was going on. This meeting was about more than being willing to discuss Father, more than meeting on behalf of my mother.

“Milo. I am not looking for excuses for River’s involvement. I understand your organization's need for caution in this situation. I respect that.” I looked at Milo pointedly, feeling weirdly proud of myself. “Now I’m asking you to show me the same courtesy. These men are my team, and that’s final. Agree, or we can end the meeting now.” I didn’t sit back, keeping my gaze locked on Milo’s even after he reluctantly nodded his acceptance.

I was proud of myself that I looked so calm and unaffected, that my back and shoulders held firm, and that my voice came out sounding sure and confident. I actually sounded kind of sexy and wouldn’t mind hearing what else my smart mouth could come up with in a more private setting.

Chills swept down my spine and over the curve of my backside.

The way I leaned forward with my back arched made my ass look good. That was just another reason I wanted to challenge this fucker and get out of here. If we left, I could run my hands over the curve of my ass. It was perfect. I was perfect. My speech was perfect. Milo was an asshole, and I’d told him with my sexy voice. I was proud of myself.

I blinked, confused. Huh?

I looked up at E.Z.. His eyes were focused on where my ass met the chair, but they met mine when I turned. He didn’t smile or soften his stance. I cleared my throat and turned around, trying to shake off the weird thoughts and E.Z.’s heated stare.

“Now, let’s cut the bullshit. You invite us into this meeting, throw this massive bomb at me that Mother is still alive, and then proceed to inform me with whom I am allowed to keep company.” I desperately wanting answers, not more bullshit wrapped in pretty words. “Tell me what is going on, or I’m gone. What was Father doing with you, and what do the rebels want with me?” I leveled Milo with my stare, letting him know how serious I was. “Milo, I mean it. I can’t take any more lies. I sense an ounce of untruth, and I’m walking. And I’m beginning to think you need me more than you’re letting on. Sending River was for more than finding out if we were trustworthy, right? You need something from us.”

I could feel the truth of that statement even as it left my lips. I couldn’t guess their motives, but it had become apparent the more I watched, the more I observed.

Was it something Father was working on, perhaps? Were they thinking I knew more than I did, just like the king and council had? I couldn’t figure out their angle.

Their interest in me could just be motherly interest. But why now? Why reach out after all this time? Why wait until after Father was gone? No. They needed something, and I wouldn’t give them anything until I found out what it was. It was time I got some answers.

Milo watched me for a moment, his eyes full of silent admiration. He almost looked glad I had stood up to him. Nodding, he pushed against the arms of the chair to stand but stiffened mid-movement and sat back down. He raised his hands defensively, the wide-spread arms and arching hands of a Water User ready to attack.

Following Milo’s eyes, I looked over my shoulder at E.Z.. He stared down Milo in warning, both hands raised— one controlling a shield and the other raised offensively. The crackle of magic was thick in the air as both men powered up, drawing on their elements and preparing for an attack. Quickly, the situation became precarious.

I was glad E.Z.’s ire wasn’t directed at me. He looked dangerous. Prominent veins bulged on his temples that hadn’t been there this morning. His cheek hollowed as he ground down. His jaw looked particularly strong from below, especially clenched this tightly. Towering over me like he was, he seemed to have grown three feet taller and much broader, taking up way more space than his physical body actually encompassed.

I tried to catch his eye and ask him what was going on. Something had to be happening that I was not aware of. But he wouldn’t look at me.

Milo’s chair creaked as he leaned back, drawing my eye. He was no longer pleasant. His eyes were hard, and power seemed to pulse from him.

“I believe visuals work best, so I am going to walk over there.” Milo indicated the shelves in the corner that were piled high with rolls of parchment before turning his hard eyes on E.Z.. “You’re going to stand down, soldier, or I will put you down. Do I make myself clear?”

I froze, my heart pounding out of my chest. I didn’t even dare move to look at E.Z. again for his reaction to that not-so-thinly-veiled threat. I longed to reach for his hand and comfort him somehow but was afraid it would only worsen the situation. Milo had already implied there was a romantic relationship between E.Z. and me and hadn't approved.

“I am no longer a soldier. And when I was, I was never yours,” E.Z. bit out.

“No. But you’re here as my guest, acting like one. You disrespected me. I gave you both my word that Kaia would receive no harm. I do not make idle promises.” Milo’s voice hardened. “Stand down. I will not repeat myself again.”