

Igrasped E.Z.’s forearm, drawing his eyes to mine and finally breaking his stare off with Milo. I couldn’t allow this to escalate. My eyes begged him to back down. He softened slightly, even if his body remained tight and alert.

E.Z. was displaying full aggression like he was reacting to a death threat I hadn’t perceived. I appreciated him for worrying, but this over-the-top reaction seemed out of character for him. He was a more experienced soldier and possibly noticed things I’d miss, but his aggression seemed extreme.

I gave his forearm another light squeeze, holding his eyes for a moment longer. I offered another reassuring smile before removing my hand and turning my gaze to Milo.

“I apologize Milo. You’re right.” I looked back at E.Z., begging him to allow us to finish the meeting peacefully. He met my eyes and didn’t correct me, so I returned my attention to Milo and continued. “With everything… it’s making it hard for me—. “I stopped, realizing I wasn’t alone in this. “It’s making it hard for us to trust. Please forgive us.”

“Interesting.” Milo’s eyes were appraising me and E.Z., shifting back and forth. “Does your keeper know about you two?” Milo asked with more than a little reproach. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger over his lips, punching them while studying our reaction to his words. “You’re asking me to trust E.Z. off your father’s input, but you don't trust the man he picked to be your keeper?”

Milo’s voice echoed in my head—not in the room, just in my head—while E.Z. and I reacted to that disastrous statement, and I struggled, rather unsuccessfully, to separate his reactions from my own and think rationally. It was challenging to do when my own whirlwind of emotions jumped from shocked and incredulous to guilty and full of regret, before finally settling on betrayed and suspicious.

I schooled my expression and pretended this statement hadn’t given me more whiplash than possibly any revelation tonight.

Was he saying what I thought he was saying? Milo and his organization were the only people I’d said I didn’t trust. And Aiden.

But why wouldn’t the guys tell me if Aiden was my Keeper? Why wouldn’t Father tell me? What the fuck was going on?

I wondered what clued Milo into my and E.Z.’s relationship. Was it my obvious gawking? Or was it how E.Z. was acting like he wanted to tear through Milo with his bare hands? Which was, admittedly, an utterly irrational reaction to this situation. E.Z. only seemed to calm down on that front once I started defending him, and he’d started looking at my ass.

Regardless, I couldn’t let Milo know I was in any way affected by his words. Or that I could only guess who my Keeper was. I also wouldn’t give him whatever reaction or opening he’d hoped for, because he was hoping for something.

E.Z. and I didn’t miss the implication or the accusatory undertone. He wanted me to feel guilty. The question was why.

They didn’t have Keepers beyond the capital. River had very bluntly told me that just that morning. I had always heard they looked at it as an archaic, disgusting tradition, and River’s sour face and tone earlier confirmed that information.

Milo also couldn’t play protective mentor or whatever the fuck he was to Aiden because Aiden and I had no connection. I had spoken a total of maybe ten words to him my entire life, and then he disappeared for years. To Aiden, I was nothing more than an assigned responsibility.

Milo rubbed his thumb and forefinger over his lips, making himself look more punchable.

And what the heck was that? I swear I could sometimes hear E.Z.’s thoughts, even though it was hard to differentiate them from my own. I was reasonably sure I did not want to punch Milo. Nor did I think he looked punchable. I also felt physically nauseous, worried that I was upset with E.Z., and I wanted to comfort myself but couldn’t. And I definitely didn't find my own ass or voice sexy.

Goddess, this was a mess.

“Milo, as much as I appreciate you having us as your guests,” I said. Underlying my polite tone was a threat to take me seriously and listen. “My personal affairs are not up for discussion. I asked to discuss Father and what exactly your organization would like from me.”

“As the Father of your Keeper, do I not have at least some rights to discuss your personal affairs?” Milo shot back at me, a warning of his own.

Holy fuck. I had assumed Aiden was my Keeper, but that would mean Victor wasn’t his father— something Victor would not want to advertise, but holy fuck. That was a huge revelation.

I was going to kill the guys. And River. We all needed to talk soon. I should have known about this before it was thrown in my lap, and I had to pretend Milo didn’t just drop another pile of wow in my lap.

What else could be thrown at me at this point? This meeting just kept getting better and better.

And I was going to kill E.Z. if he didn’t stop making me want to throw up; it was making it hard to concentrate.

“You have the right when I grant it to you, no matter who you are related to,” I said without a shred of my inner deliberation and disconcertment showing.

We had a battle of wills, staring each other down for a moment, neither backing down as the tension in the air only grew thicker. He may be a rebel leader, but he needed me for whatever reason. And if he indeed was the father of my Keeper, possibly Aiden, then he needed to know that my father didn’t raise a weak woman.

“Fair enough,” Milo finally stated, leaning back in his chair.

He spread his hands wide in a sign of acceptance while the room seemed to take a collective sigh of relief.

“One of our main goals is to discover why magic has declined rapidly in recent years and find a cure. The capital’s efforts for a cure are useless. I have asked Aiden to lead this research project, and he hoped you’d like to accompany him. He says you love to read and always wanted to travel.”