“Of course. But how about tomorrow morning?”

“Sounds good.”

To say she wasn’t at all prepared was an understatement, but they were so keen, they were willing to give up their entire fortune so that they could see exactly how she planned to pull off everything she promised.

As if she were yet again realizing that they were indeed the judges, she sprang into action by dropping the bundle of ruined panties she was holding and charged toward them, her hand outstretched.

“Mayor Kalista Chapman,” she said as she neared them. “Bloomings Tide welcomes you with open arms. Please allow me to—”

Her gaze fell onto the flimsy pairs of panties they still held in their hands.

“Oh,” she said, then immediately divested them of her underwear. “I’m so sorry that the place is in a mess. It wasn’t like this when I left this morning, I assure you,” she apologized as she scrambled around the room, gathering bits and pieces of what was once her underwear.

“Bad dog,” she admonished, and the goat answered with a bark. No wonder the creature was so confused because its owner was also confused.

Nothing amused Trey ever, but fuck, he couldn’t help a chuckle from rumbling in his chest. Isaac and Chance were less secretive about grinning at her.

The fact that she was embarrassed about the place being a mess and not the fact that it was her panties littering the floor and furniture fascinated them even more.

“I must apologize on behalf of Sir Lancelot. He has a thing for underwear. I actually had to bring him here after he kept ruining Benedict’s wife’s underwear from their washing line, and Reggie didn’t want to take care of the situation himself. I still don’t know what to do with him,” she said as she made a pile of her own torn panties on a mustard yellow suede chair.

“You’re aware he’s a goat, right?” Isaac asked with a grin clearly visible in his voice.

“Oh, of course. I mean, here, in Bloomings Tide, if it barks like a dog, runs after cars like a dog, and wags its tail like a dog, it’s a goat.”

They looked at her pretty dumbfoundedly.

“That’s a BT—a Bloomings Tide joke. He doesn’t have much of a tail to wag,” she said as if that explained everything else.

“Right. To the business at hand—” She cut herself off. “Will you excuse me for a moment?” She gathered up the shredded bits of fabric from the chair she had placed it on. “Please sit. Make yourself comfortable. My house is now your house. I won’t be long,” she said as she tried to push the goat off the sofa, finally succeeded, and then proceeded to guide it out of the lounge with her.

Damn, they had to stop giving each other those looks. It was clear as day that she had gotten the dates wrong. With a handwritten invitation, it made sense; she probably confused an eight for a five—also, it was how their grandmothers wrote, so it was an understandable error.

Minutes ticked over, and she still hadn’t returned, which made them wonder what the fuck she was up to or where she had gone.

Trey looked out of her lace curtains and was surprised to see her coming out of her garage, carrying a box in her hand, and hurrying on her heels before she disappeared around the back.

What was she up to?

A few minutes later, she came back and carried a step ladder from the garage. By now, Isaac and Chance had joined him to spy on their pretty little mayor.

When she didn’t return again, Isaac moved into her dining room area, and Trey and Chance followed him. From the window there, they had a clear view of her backyard, and standing side by side, they watched the stunning beauty scramble around her backyard, still in her heels, as she wiped down the wooden table and benches and covered a few with white tablecloths.

They couldn’t help but grin when her goat came out, hopped onto a table she was trying to cover with a tablecloth, and refused to move.

But watching her with her swollen face and her hair all over the place as she tried to get the goat to budge off the table made them chuckle. She was a sight to behold. Unbothered about her face—a reaction to lavender apparently—she was still a force to be reckoned with as far as the goat was concerned.

After standing with her hands on her hips and glaring at the strange creature as if she were trying to hypnotize it into moving, the goat actually made the barking sound, which they heard faintly, and then jumped off the table.

Done with the tables, she then climbed up the step ladder, which she had positioned near a tree, carrying what looked like tree lights in her hands, which she took from the box.

They were having so much fun just watching her move while she controlled her goat that the thought of going out there and helping her was squashed immediately.

But when she reached way up to throw the tree lights over the trees and the tiny, tiny glimpse of her perfectly round ass flashed past their gazes, they clenched their jaws. She wasn’t supposed to have this effect on them. She wasn’t wearing any panties either.

Fucking hell.

With the sun seeming to set for her alone in the orange haze, they couldn’t take their eyes off her. Every time she moved, their cocks grew thicker. When she bent over and her short summer dress scaled up the backs of her lovely thighs, their breaths became thicker.