Instead of admitting she had the wrong date and taking some time to deal with her face, she seemed determined to make it work anyway.

Her stubbornness made Trey want to take her over his knee and spank her. He knew Isaac and Chance were having the same thoughts, and suddenly they were consumed with the need to know what she felt like, how silky soft her wetness was, and how warm the inside of her pussy was when she hugged their cocks to her flesh. What would she taste like?

“Honey. All honey,” Chance said as if he read their thoughts, which wasn’t an uncanny thing.

“Yeah,” Isaac agreed.

What was uncanny was that they were having the same thoughts about a single woman. That had never happened before.

But Kalista Chapman—Mayor Kalista Chapman to them—was definitely something else entirely, with her blown-up face, her scent, her barking, panty-eating goat, and her single handedly trying to spruce up her backyard for what could only be where she planned to welcome them to Bloomings Tide.

She was something else because they all wanted to know if they could stretch her stunning body to fit their cocks.

And their grandmothers would have their balls for fucking one of the mayors of the towns they were meant to be judging.

Chapter Six

Kalista dragged a very reluctant Sir Lancelot into her bedroom with her, then quietly shut the door.

Her desperate attempts to stop herself from hyperventilating failed miserably. The more she told herself to calm down, the more ragged her breaths became.

No, she had to give herself a time limit. She pressed a button on her watch. She was giving herself thirty seconds to have as much of a meltdown as she could fit in that allotted time. After that, it was big girl panty time, except she had no panties left. None at all.

The rambunctious goat had somehow pulled open the drawers where she kept her underwear and ravaged every single pair in her possession. It was obvious Sir Lancelot had used his teeth, gripped the handle of the drawers, and pulled. If she weren’t so frazzled, she would be quite impressed.

But those were the least of her problems, she reminded herself.

She only had thirteen seconds left to hyperventilate, and she wasn’t going to waste it on something she could no longer control.

Did she really bungle up the date so badly that she was going to cost BT a chance of winning?

Her phone bleeped. Thirty seconds were up.


She had a town to run and three judges to impress enough that they won the award.

She dug into her other pocket for her phone and immediately called Jennifer Harris, who doubled up as her part-time secretary.

What was meant to happen in three days was going to happen now, all because she couldn’t read very well.

They could still pull this off. She just needed to use everything in her arsenal to make sure her subjects did as they were told and didn’t wander off script.

But first, she needed to feed them. The judges she meant. She needed to feed the judges.

“Jenny. They’re here. The judges.”

The judges.

God help her, but when she imagined what the judges would look like, she imagined them middle-aged at least. Or even younger, but mostly portly. Maybe two men and a woman. She had no idea why she envisioned one of them in a top hat, the other dripping with diamonds and a fur coat and not sweating a drop in the heat, and the other judge with an air of mystery around him as he remained blank-faced.

She could see in her mind’s eye how each of their expressions changed when their gazes fell on Celeste. She thought she had everything figured out. In her head, yes. In reality, no.

Those three men in her living room right now were so far from the norm of what she expected they could be from another planet.

Wait, maybe she had imagined them. Maybe her allergic reaction to lavender was also messing with her mental side. She was hallucinating.
