her cousin’s house, but that would mean putting Mick and his family at risk, something that she would never do. Which of course begged the question, what should she do now?

Should she stay in Boston and be forced to hide out in old dumps that the Pack had long forgotten about, help herself to one of the luxury penthouses or houses that the Pack owned, or just say the hell with it, cut her losses and leave? Well, one thing was for sure, no matter what she decided to do, she was definitely not going to stay here for another night.

Just because she shifted into a large werewolf whenever the mood struck didn’t mean that she was okay with living without the basic amenities in life. With that in mind, she collected her snacks, shoved them back in the cheap plastic grocery bags and headed for the front door, deciding that if she was going to leave then there was no point in waiting.

Taking a sip of her soda, she opened the door and when she wasn’t attacked, grabbed or had Holy water thrown at her along with the words demon, devil and witch, she walked down the old stone steps, took another sip of her soda as she looked to her left and then to the right, trying to decide her best course of action.

Deciding that it probably was not a good idea to go back towards the 7-Eleven, she went to the left and decided to see where the night took her.


That’s where the night took her and five hours later as she sat there in the corner ignoring some large woman dubbed Princess Sheila as she yelled the cell rules that Kara was now expected to follow if she didn’t want to get the piss kicked out of her. Kara couldn’t help but wonder why bad things kept happening to her, but she knew the answer to that already.


Everything in her life had gone to hell since that night that she’d found out the awful truth that she was Drew’s mate. As she flipped Princess Sheila off, she couldn’t help but wonder if his father had planned this all along.

Chapter 14

Twelve hours of hell later…

Ryan closed his eyes in resignation as he dropped his face in his hands. “Please tell me that you didn’t really put her up in one of the old brownstones,” he said in a tone that Drew didn’t appreciate, not one fucking bit, but he appreciated the looks that Boston’s finest were giving him even less.

“It was the safest place for her,” he bit out evenly, wondering why he was even bothering to explain himself to his Beta of all people.

That brownstone had been perfect, beyond fucking perfect. Well, that was until a group of vagrants had set it on fire while chanting, “Die, demon whore! Die!” He still wasn’t sure what that was all about except of course for his mate. He just wasn’t sure that he wanted to know how Kara had managed to turn forty vagrants, prostitutes, and dope dealers into a lynch mob.

Yeah, he was probably good if that conversation never came up, he decided as he stood there, glaring at the police officer refusing to give him any information about Kara.

“I can only release information to her lawyer or family,” the large man said with a shrug, not really looking as though he cared.

“She’s my wife,” Drew snarled, somehow resisting the urge to tear the building apart until he found her.

Actually, that was probably thanks to Ryan, who threatened to cut his balls off with a silver coated knife if he did anything to give them away. They had his mate and refused to give her up or any information. It wouldn’t take long before the threat of castration wasn’t enough to keep him calm. They’d taken something from him, the most precious thing to a shifter and he wasn’t about to stand there for very much longer.

“Don’t do it,” Ryan said, not bothering to drop his hands, most likely because he could sense Drew’s temper rising.

“She told the arresting officer that she was single,” the human said, lying his fucking ass off.

“No,” Drew said, meeting the officer’s bored glare head on, “she didn’t.”

She knew better than to talk to officers, let them take her prints or mug shot, no matter the consequences. She would never so much as utter a single syllable once they’d started questioning her. She knew the rules better than anyone. He’d bet everything he had that his little mate had glared all the way here and made their lives a living hell since, because Kara was that fucking devious.

She would never allow humans to collect any information on her that could be used to track her or bring attention to their world.

“You have nothing on her,” he said, allowing his eyes to flash silver as he glared down at the much smaller man. “Release. Her. Now.”

“I…,” the officer stuttered, stumbling back and noticeably swallowing as he looked around to see if anyone else had just seen what he had.

“Now!” Drew growled, tired of playing by human rules.

“Calm down,” Ryan whispered as he finally dropped his hands to his sides and looked around the busy police station to make sure that they weren’t attracting an audience.

“S-she was arrested for resisting arrest,” the officer stumbled in a trance, refusing to take his eyes off Drew even as his hand absently came to rest on the butt of his gun.