“Release her,” Drew said evenly before he snapped, “Now!” one last time, already knowing that it would in fact be the last chance that he would give this officer before he tore this place apart brick by brick.

The officer whimpered as his mouth worked silently, but Drew no longer noticed him as the most enticing scent hit him. He shifted his gaze to the right just in time to see his pain in the ass mate being escorted towards him.

“You’re seriously kicking me out?” she asked, not sounding particularly angry or concerned that she’d been arrested over bullshit charges, but she simply sounded curious.

In answer, the two officers escorting her simply glared down at her.

“What?” she asked innocently with a little shrug. “She was like that when I got there.”

At that point one of the officers stopped so that he could snap down at her, “You made an undercover officer have a psychotic breakdown!”

Kara simply blinked up at the man. “Are you sure that she wasn’t like that before?”

“Whoa! Davis, back off!” the other officer snapped, releasing his hold on Kara so that he could tackle the other officer before he could wring Kara’s neck, an urge that he had fought plenty of times over the years to recognize the signs.

“What?” the devious little woman asked, simply to fuck with the humans, because that’s what Kara did when she was bored.

She fucked with you until she drove you out of your fucking mind, which again probably meant that he really didn’t want to know what she’d done to make a police officer go insane. Yeah, probably not, he decided as he shoved past Ryan and went to retrieve his mate, who now stood there, blinking innocently as five officers were forced to wrestle Davis down to the ground.

“I know you did this!” Davis yelled, somewhat hysterically as Kara stood there staring down at her nails, quickly becoming bored with the whole thing.

“Uh huh,” she said absently as another officer was forced to join the group trying to stop Davis from going for his gun.

Kara didn’t seem all that concerned with the impending threat, but that probably had something to do with the fact that she’d finally spotted him and when she did, her, “Uh oh,” had lost its tone of boredom and her expression became a tad concerned.

Swallowing hard, she frantically looked around the chaotic mess around her, grabbed a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup, tore the lid off and threw the contents on the nearest officer, soaking his shirt thoroughly with a small, nervous smile. “Police brutality?” she asked, sounding hopeful as Drew finally reached her, grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder as the officer simply stood there, shaking his head in disgust as he looked down at his ruined shirt.

“Get her the hell out of here,” the officer said, sighing heavily as Kara did her best to dive off Drew’s back and return to a life of incarceration, but his hold around her was unfor

giving and with every little squirm and escape attempt, it became even tighter.

She wasn’t going anywhere.

When she finally accepted that fact, she stopped trying to get away and asked, “So, how was your trip?” with what sounded like a little hopeful smile that wasn’t going to save her ass.

When he didn’t answer, she sighed heavily against his back and mumbled, “Oh, shit.”

Oh, shit was right, because this time he was going to wring her fucking neck and this time nothing was going to stop him from doing it.


“Maybe we should take a minute and think this over,” Ryan, her new favorite person in the world, said as Kara moved her ass behind another table as the last one was sent flying across the club.

“That sounds like a great idea,” she seconded before an undignified squeal escaped her and she was forced to dive out of the way as the table, the only thing that had been standing between her and her seriously pissed off mate, suddenly went flying across the room, joining the rest of the club’s furniture against the damaged wall and landed with the rest of the debris on the floor.

“You,” Drew said, closing in on her as she frantically tried to get away and crawl beneath another table, hoping that he was getting bored with destroying his club, “disobeyed me.”

“Umm, you’re not the boss of me?” she stupidly pointed out as she tried to remind herself that she was an Alpha and should be standing her ground until the large bastard was on his knees, begging for mercy, but one look over her shoulder had her filing that plan away as the stupidest thought that she’d ever had.

She’d pissed him off a lot over the years, but never like this. Unlike those other times, he could actually put his hands on her without worrying about the consequences. Basically, she was seriously fucking screwed.

It was only a matter of time, probably seconds, before he caught her and he finally gave into years of violent fantasies. So, she gave up on trying to crawl to safety and simply got to her feet and made a run for it.

The unnatural roar that followed her and shook the building somehow gave her the courage to run faster. When she was able to make it into the stairwell, slam the door behind her and deadbolt it before she ran for the stairs, she damn near relaxed, telling herself that she was safe.

That was before a seriously pissed off nine foot werewolf crashed through the door and lunged for her.

Chapter 15

“You son of a bitch!” Kara screamed as he sank his human fangs into her heart shaped ass.

He waited for the mark on his arm to burn in retaliation for what he’d just done. So, when nothing came, not even a tingle he was a little confused, but not enough to stop what he was doing. Keeping his hold on the waist of her jeans that he’d pulled down so that he could sink his teeth in her flesh, he licked the new mark he’d made, unable to help but smile as he did it, because he knew without a doubt that she liked it.

The little moan that she tried to bite back when he ran his tongue over her bottom was telling enough, but the scent that she’d been given off since he’d picked her up had grown stronger, more enticing over the past hour. Reaching back, she blindly slapped at him, but not hard enough to hurt him, which was the next clue that she wasn’t as adverse to his charm as she’d like him to think.

Letting her go, he watched her run up the stairs, pausing on the next landing to yank her jeans back up and shoot him a look that should have killed him on the spot. He stood there, grinning as he licked his lips, savoring the sweet flavor of the tiny drops of blood that had confirmed his suspicions. It seemed that his mate was coming into her first mating heat a lot sooner than he’d expected.

It almost made up for the fact that she’d disobeyed him, almost.

Sighing, because things were about to get more interesting, he walked up the stairs, following after her. He didn’t rush after her. He simply walked after her, sighing with satisfaction and not giving a damn that his cock was bouncing with every step, eager to slide into its mate.