Page 48 of In Too Deep

When I get to his house, I shove the front door open and storm inside.

“Where are you?” I roar. I hear footsteps coming from the kitchen when my father steps into the room.

“Ares? What’s going on?” he asks.

“You’re going to tell me where she is, Father. You’re not going to play games with me,” I warn him. He looks at me, clearly confused by what I’m talking about.

“What? Who?”

“Sage. What the hell did you do with her?” I snarl.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ares.”

“She was in my basement. My door has been kicked in and ripped from the fucking hinges. This is your domain! Your neighborhood! Now, where the hell is she?” My voice grows louder and louder, but he doesn’t act as if he knows anything.

“Ares, I don’t have a girl here, nor did I know you kept her.”

“Then who? Who the hell else would have taken her?”

“I don’t know, but we need to talk.”

“About what?”

“What’s going to take place in three days.”

“Which is?”

“There are things you don’t know about Bellmont. Things I’ve kept from you.” Now I laugh at him. I shake my head and step closer to him.

“The rituals? The reason you trained me to torture women? Oh, I know the sick truth, Father.” He narrows his eyes at me, wondering how I know that. I won’t tell him the truth. I won’t tell him who told me either.

“You know?”

“As if you could keep secrets like that from me. Did you think I would never find out?”

“I didn’t know. I knew you were smart, but this only comes around every twenty-one years,” he answers, waving his hand through the air.

“When did you plan to tell me? Am I a part of it?” Now, he smiles.

“Oh, Ares. You play a major role. You’re the prince, after all. Set to take over after me. This year, you will participate in the ritual.” No. I’m not going to go along with his sick fucking plans. Not anymore.

“I want to know where she is then.”

“Ares, truly. Forget the girl. She wasn’t right for you anyway.” I ball my fists at my sides as I step closer to him.

“You know where she is, though, yes?”

“No. As I said, I didn’t know you kept her.”

“Well, I did. And now someone has her. She has to be here, in Bellmont.”

“What makes you think that?”

“No one in, no one out, right?” he nods his head as he thinks about that.

“You’re right. But who here would want her, Ares? She just wasn’t the right girl.”

“She’s my girl! Mine!” My father takes a step back, looking at me as if I’m crazy, and that’s exactly what I am. I am as crazy as he made me.