Page 47 of In Too Deep

“Isn’t that normal?” I ask her.

“Well, yeah, it is, but I didn’t think you’d want that.”

“What part of I want everything with you, don’t you understand?”

“You … you want to marry me?” I go for my favorite position, wrapping my hand around her neck.

“You either don’t get it, or you’re trying to push my buttons, Sage. Without you, I’m nothing. Without you, I have nothing. So, yes, Little Lamb, I want to marry you. I want to fuck you. I want to put my baby in you.” Tears begin to fall down her cheeks when I lean in and lick them away. I run my tongue up her cheek before moving to her lips. I take them with mine, devouring her in a single kiss. When I pull away, she’s breathless.

“You’re making me late.”

“Then go.”

“You make me want to stay,” I tell her.

“Then stay with me. Fuck me,” she urges.

“Look what I’ve turned you into, Little Lamb. Begging me to fuck you.” Her cheeks turn pink, and I smile at her. She likes this. She likes what I’m doing to her.

“I’ll be back soon. It shouldn’t take long,” I tell her. She nods her head, and I kiss her once more before heading out of the bathroom and grabbing my phone. I walk up the steps, making sure to close it and lock it on my way out.

I take in my surroundings as I walk to my car. I’m on edge, and with good reason. I still haven’t heard from my father about the ritual. It’s starting to grate on my nerves. The not knowing is slowly eating away at me.

I climb into the car once I’m satisfied there isn’t any around and start the car up, pulling out onto the road.

I let my mind wander as I leave Bellmont. Leaving here was never something that crossed my mind. I had no reason to. Everything I know, everything I am, is here. And now it’s not. Now I realize it’s all been a lie. It’s all been for nothing. What I did, what I do, who I am. It was never me.

Yet, I don’t know how to be anything different outside these walls. I don’t know how to be what Sage needs me to be. Will she fully accept me for who I am? I suppose, in a way, it doesn’t matter because Sage is never leaving me now. She’s mine.

I drive down the road just thinking about life. My life. Her life. What I took from her, and I took a lot from her. I know I did, but she got me in return, and in my sick mind, that’s all she needed. She needed me; she just didn’t know it yet.

Maybe I am sick. Maybe I am fucked up, but does that really matter now? I can give her a good life. I can take her places she’s never been before.

I stop at the first house and pull into the driveway. Then I sit in the car and stare up at the front door. A house. My house. Outside Bellmont. The thought doesn’t make much sense. I’ve never thought of leaving, and yet here I am, looking at a goddamn house. Since when is this me? Since her, that’s when. Sage makes me want things I never knew I wanted. I didn’t want kids. I didn’t want a child to live through what I did, but now? I look at Sage, and I can see me being a father. I wouldn’t be anything like mine. Or so I tell myself.

Blowing out a breath, I climb out of the car and walk up to the front door to meet the realtor. She opens it before I even get the chance to knock, a smile plastered to her face.

“Are you Mr. Scott?” she asks.

“I am,” I say as she holds her hand out to me. I don’t want to touch her. I don’t want anyone touching me except Sage, but this is the real world, right? So I stretch my hand out to her and take hers in mine.

“I’m Karen. You want to look inside?” she says. I nod my head and follow her inside and around the house. White walls. White floors. This isn’t anything I’m used to. Bellmont is full of darkness. Dark houses, dark cars, dark people. My heart starts to kick up a notch, wondering if I’m doing the right thing. I keep repeating it in my head that this is about us, Sage and me.

“It’s very … bright,” I tell her.

“You can always paint it to your liking.” I nod my head and follow her through the rest of the house. It’s the perfect size for us. Maybe too big. I don’t know. My house in Bellmont is huge. It’s more than I could need, but that’s the way we live there.

Karen gives me a minute to myself as I walk over and stare out the window. Sage would love the backyard, I think to myself. There’s a gazebo and a pool. I take it all in, memorizing it all so I can tell her about it later. I still have two other places to look at before I make a decision. I wish she were here to see them, but it’s just too dangerous right now.

The cut healing on my palm begins to itch. I look down at it, and a bad feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. Something’s wrong or about to go wrong. I can feel it.


Ileft the house quicker than I expected to. I didn’t bother with looking at the others. Something is gnawing at the pit of my stomach, telling me there’s trouble. I hauled ass back to Bellmont only to find the house empty. The front door was broken in, and the basement door busted from the hinges. Violence is in my blood. Anger is a part of me. And right now, it’s at an all-time high.

I take slow, deep breaths, trying to calm the frenzy in me. Then I walk back up the stairs and up to my room. Opening the closet door, I walk inside and straight to the vault I keep in there. Pressing in my code, I pop it open and pull out my guns. Whoever touched Sage, whoever took her, will pay with their life.

I check for ammo before shoving a gun into the back of my jeans, one on each side and one in the front. Then I turn and head back out of my room and down the stairs. I’m out the door and striding down the street toward my father’s house. I can’t explain the turmoil inside of me right now.