He shoots me an unamused look. “We’ve had this conversation before, Bianchi. Relaying bad news is part of the job.”

I chew the side of my lip, resisting the urge to bite my fingernails. I’m nervous. I can’t think of anything but the faces of the little girl’s parents as I tell them that their daughter has freaking cancer. I can only imagine the way the light will go out of their faces. How devastated they’ll be.

“Please, sir. You’d explain it much better than me.”

“The answer is no, Doctor Bianchi. Put on your big girl pants.”

I sigh softly, an argument already locked and loaded, ready to go. But then he gives me that look, the one that dares me to question him, and I clamp my mouth shut. I have no choice but to go and deliver the news to the family. Whose lives are about to be changed forever.

After delivering the bad news to the Kales, I get to work on treating the little girl. Gastric cancer, or stomach cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the lining of the stomach. This cancer can occur in various parts of the stomach and may spread to other organs if not detected and treated early. Luckily, her cancer is in the early stages so we should be able to get her treated and she can return to her normal life. After starting up treatments for her, I finish up my rounds before heading home.

* * *

As soon asI drive on the grounds of our house, my eyes widen. There’s a shiny new BMW with a red bow on top of it. One of the staff walks over as soon as I’m parked.

“Wellings, who owns that car?” I question curiously.

The man shrugs. “I don’t know, miss, your father brought it in earlier.”

“Dad’s back from his trip?”

He nods and I grin. I haven’t seen my dad in over a month. I quickly head inside while Wellings collects the keys so he can park my car in the garage. I find my parents in the living room watching a football game. My dad’s yelling at the screen, cursing at the wide receiver for having terrible aim, when I clear my throat. They both turn to look at me and their eyes brighten.

My dad shoots to his feet and pulls me into a hug.

“There’s my darling child,” he says ostentatiously, kissing me on both cheeks.

I groan, despite the laugh that bubbles out of me. “Dad.”

“What?” he questions. “Didn’t you miss your old man?”

“Of course I did,” I say, staring into his inquisitive brown eyes.

“Good because I missed you a lot,mia cara. How was work?”

“It was…” I sigh. “Work.”

He hums like he understands, pulling me to sit beside him on the couch. I wedge in between him and my mother, who places her head on my shoulder. My family’s love language is physical touch. And while usually I would indulge in a cuddle session with my parents, I’m pretty exhausted. My dad protests when I try to get up.

“No, we need to talk to you.”

Those words are never followed by anything good.

“About?” I ask.

“Didn’t you see your present?” Mom questions.

“My… present? Shit, you mean the car?”

She nods and I quickly turn to my father.

“It’s for me?” I ask, eyes wide.

“Of course, sweetheart. I even had the inside remodeled to fit your tastes. You’re long overdue for a new car.”

Something about that sentence gives me pause, and it isn’t the fact that he remodeled it. The car I’m driving right now was given to me for my birthday a year ago. It’s not old, not by any stretch of the imagination. And while I’m immensely grateful, I can see the slight crack in my dad’s expression that tells me something else is going on.

“You want something,” I state.