My dad chuckles, smile lines pulling across his mouth. He’s getting older, but my dad’s always had a sort of youthfulness to him that warms my heart. He might be in his sixties but the man could drop and do twenty push-ups right now. When I think about all he’s done with his life, how hard he’s worked to get here, I can’t help but be proud of him. They’re second-generation immigrants and he always used to tell me how hard life was for him as a kid. My grandfather worked hard to start the company and Dad has done his best to make it what it is today. Our lives are a far cry from how he grew up.

“Observant as always, my darling,” Dad says with a chuckle.

My mom brushes her hand through my hair. “It’s why we wanted to talk to you, honey.”

“We think it’s time you get married,” my dad says quickly, sort of in a rip-the-Band-Aid-off kind of way.

My mouth drops. I quickly get to my feet from between them, placing my hands on my hips. “No.”

“Yes,” my mom retorts. “We’ve left you alone for long enough, Astoria.”

“You’re not getting any younger,mia cara.”

“But,” I splutter, “we had a deal.”

“Yes, we did. We promised we’d wait until you completed your residency, but you’ve finished the first year, Tori. How much longer do you think we can wait? You’re twenty-eight, and people in our circles are beginning to wonder.”

“I don’t care what they think,” I snap.

“Well I do,” my dad says firmly, his tone switching from “loving father” to “hardened businessman. “It’s your responsibility to get married, Astoria, and to marry well.”

My mom takes over, her voice still gentle. “We understand that you haven’t had the time to date since you’ve been working so hard, which is why your father and I have a proposal.”

I’m immediately wary. “You have someone in mind already?”

“Yes,” my mom says brightly. “And it’s someone you’ll like. Dante Marino.”

My cheeks heat. I may have confessed to having a schoolgirl crush on him when I was, like, thirteen, but it was nothing more than a passing phase. Obviously, my parents think me liking him more than a decade ago means I might still harbor some feelings for him now, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, the last time I ran into him, I was pretty uncomfortable. I have zero feelings for him.

Their hearts are in the right place. From what I can tell about Dante, he seems like a good man on paper, making a name for himself managing his family’s business. But that doesn’t mean I want to marry him. Arranged marriages are common in our circles. I just thought I had more time.

“Mom, I-I can’t,” I say, my voice hoarse.

My dad’s eyes narrow. “Why not?”

“Because,” I flounder for a good excuse, “because I—”

Suddenly, my mom gasps. “Astoria. Is it possible you’ve met someone?”

The expression on her face is almost giddy, and my dad smiles at her insinuation. It’s best to just go along with it, so I nod.

“Yes. Of course I’ve met someone.”

“So you have a boyfriend?” Dad presses.

I’ve never been the best liar, but I do my best to sell it. “Sure. I am dating a man.”

Oh god. I’m so screwed.

My dad’s eyes narrow and he gets to his feet. “Alright, then. I expect you to bring your boyfriend to meet us next week.”

My eyes bulge. “Next week?”

“Yes, darling. It’s the company’s anniversary party. I’d like to meet my future son-in-law there.”

“Dad, I said I was dating him. The man hasn’t gotten down on one knee yet.”

Probably because he doesn’t exist.