“You okay?”

She tugged her wool coat around her, thankful that its long length kept most of her warm on such a chilly night. “Yeah.” They started a slow walk down the sidewalk, heading toward Amelia’s car.

“Want to go for a walk?” Josh asked. “It’s a beautiful night and I’d love to walk off some of that meal. Especially dessert. That chocolate torte was delicious, but I didn’t need to eat the whole thing.”

“And part of mine,” she reminded him. “You kept sneaking bites off my plate when you thought I wasn’t looking. I thought I was going to have to change seats with Betty.”

“Hey now, can I help it if I love dessert?”

Laughing, she felt some of the growing tension ease. It wouldn’t go away entirely, but she could stop and enjoy the moment. She looked around. The entire downtown was lit up like a Christmas village. Wreaths hung from the street lights, and enormous ornaments dangled from the doorways of storefronts. The smattering of snow that had fallen twinkled in the light like tiny crystals. It was charming in a way that made her heart ache. “Yeah. Let’s take a walk.”

Silence settled between them as they meandered down the sidewalk. Downtown Cedar Grove was a veritable small-business wonderland, with kitschy coffee shops, craft stores, her favorite used bookstore that now seemed to include a wine bar, and the toy store, with its window displays filled with amazing mechanical toys. Returning to Cedar Grove, even for a short time, always felt like a breath of fresh air after living in the hustle of the city for the past four years.

Except now she was deceiving everyone who’d ever supported her. Regret thudded through her again.

“You seem kind of…off,” Josh ventured after nobody had spoken for several minutes. “Is something bothering you, Amelia? Normally you’re talking my ear off.”

She frowned as a chill went through her. Shivering against what she hoped was the cold, Amelia looked up at the gently falling snowflakes.

“I’m just…I dunno.” She sighed. “Seeing Mrs. Pemberley kind of made me feel bad. It hit me that I’m lying to everyone I know. Everyone I grew up with. Everyone that ever supported me or believed in me. And it sucks.”

Josh was quiet for a moment, and then he stopped walking, grabbing her arms. He made her face him, leveling her with his gaze.

“Hey. I hear you. I understand what you’re saying, I really do. But I promise you, this will all be worth it. While acquiring Cedar Grove Hotel and Spa will be a great boon for Denton Hotels’ portfolio of properties, it’s personal for me. I really want to do something with this place that would have made my mom proud. I’m sure it sounds weird given that she’s dead, but I…. If you can stick it out a little longer.”

Amelia nodded. “I get it. If I were in your shoes, I’d probably do the same. But I didn’t think it would be this hard. I see the happiness on my mom’s face and the smiles the Lewises have been giving us and I feel guilty that we’re deceiving them.” She pulled her coat tighter around her.

Josh brushed the snowflakes off her hair and the side of her face, which sent a jolt of heat through her. Not enough to combat the cold, though. “You’re shivering. Do you want my coat?”

“No, I’ll survive.” They started walking again. “Besides, we’re not on a real date. You don’t have to be chivalrous.”

“I don’t have to be dating someone to want to be nice to them,” Josh said, wrapping his arm around her. He rubbed his hand along the side of her arm. It helped a little. “Besides, you’re my right-hand woman. I need to take care of you.”

Amelia grunted, feeling a little snarky. “Not for much longer.”

Josh sighed. “Did you have to remind me about that?”

“You’ll be fine. You’ll find someone else just as capable within two weeks, and by summer, you will have forgotten that I was ever your assistant.”

She’d meant it as a joke, but Josh’s face darkened, his grip around her tightening a little. “Come on. I’m not that much of an asshole. Besides, you’ll still technically be reporting to me, although there will be a manager in between. I fully plan on visiting your new office to harass you once you’re not my assistant. Under the guise of checking on your projects, of course.”

Something in his tone sent her heart rate skyrocketing. The idea of him visiting her, maintaining their friendship…that meant a lot to her. And yes, he would still be her boss, but she also knew that he dealt with the managers not the scouts.

“Do you know how to find your way around the rest of the building? You barely leave your office.”

Josh laughed. “Only if you send me a map before your duties as my assistant end.”

She couldn’t squash the giggle that escaped her. “What if they transfer me to the Chicago office?”

“Guess I’ll have to plan more site inspections.”

Her heart raced, and she fought the urge to tip her head back and get lost in his blue gaze. They were just joking around right now. Talking like friends. Because if anything, after two years of working together, theywerefriends.

But still, it was hard not to read into his comments. Hard not to let the dreaminess take flight and completely consume her.

Keep it professional.

She needed to remember that.