Even if every inch of her body wanted to throw professionalism to the wind.
The two of them got up early the next day to get to work on the proposed hotel revisions. Stan had been very interested to see an overview of what, exactly, Josh planned to change if Denton Hotels became the new owner. Which meant they had a lot of work to do, and a lot of imagining beyond the tulip garden in the back.
Besides, getting up early wasn’t a problem when Amelia lay two feet away in a skimpy tank top and booty shorts, her chest rising and falling softly. Josh had spent the first hour he was awake quietly watching her. Wondering what might happen if he were to press kisses to her creamy skin working his way up to her jawline until she woke up.
She was so hard to read when she used humor as a defense. Half the time, he was positive that she’d react poorly if he tried anything with her. The other half the time, he was doubtful but still not convinced. That kiss at the tree lighting didn’t mean anything. She’d gotten drunk, and fast. People did silly things they didn’t mean when they were drunk, and that kiss was no exception.
And even though every inch of Josh wanted to push the envelope and see if she really did want more, he was hesitant to use this work trip as the test. He was paying her to be here—alotof money. The work element changed things, and using their fake engagement as a launch pad for intimacy felt wrong.
Which meant he was at a loss.Still.
Amelia had asked for a half hour to wake up and start her day in the hotel gym. Josh was tempted to join her, but he knew that more skimpy clothing and increased heart rates would not bode well for beating back his attraction, which had only quadrupled in the past forty-eight hours. Instead, he ordered room service and took an extremely cold shower. He pulled on some sweatpants and towel dried his hair as he sat down in front of his laptop to check email.
He wasn’t a minute into his work when his father called. At eight a.m. on the dot.
“Hey, Dad,” Josh said, leaning back into the overstuffed chair.
“Got a minute?” his dad barked. Mitchell Denton Senior had a voice that belonged on a football field, shouting at players, instead of in a board room
“Sure. I was about to start on the proposed plans for the Cedar Grove property.”
“Ahh. Cedar Grove. I forgot that’s where you were right now. They still got that huge Santa statue?”
Josh laughed. “Oh, yeah. And it’s actually bigger than I remember. We saw the tree lighting two nights ago.”
“What a treasure,” his father murmured. “You know, your mother and I started going there years before you and your brother were born.”
“Really?” Josh ran his finger along the shimmery seam of the armrest. “I thought we always came because it was great for kids.”
“Yeah, it sure is a kid’s paradise, but your mother and I loved it even pre-kids.” His father laughed, but it sounded melancholy. Their mother’s death had left him different, sort of permanently sad in the background. Really, it had affected all of them that way. “It would be a boon if you can seal the deal before the holidays.”
Josh perked up at the request. “Yeah?”
“I just had that property fall through in Colorado,” his dad went on.
“The ski resort near Elk Lodge?”
“That’s the one. Such a shame, dammit.” His father sighed, and Josh could almost see him rubbing at his forehead like he did whenever he was stressed. His father didn’t take failure or disappointment well. “So I need you to close this deal. We need to go into Christmas with a win.”
Josh swallowed hard, nodding even though his father couldn’t see him. “Yeah. Of course. We’re really close as it is. I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t, son. And hey, keep Christmas Eve open. I’ll make sure to find you.”
When Josh disconnected the call, his father’s request weighed heavily on him. This hotel already was a big deal for him, but now? Failure was not an option. Heneededto make the deal.
The door to the suite opened a moment later, and Amelia bounded inside,glistening.
Her face fell when she saw him. “Oh.”
“Hey.” He offered a quick smile, then focused on his laptop again. Anywhere other than Amelia. She wore teal workout shorts and a black sports bra, which showcased the fact that she had a very obvious tattoo of a white rose covering her ribcage on the right. Curiosity snaked through him, but he had tofocus.“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just…” She came into the living room where he was set up. She sniffed, propping her hands on her hips. “I thought that maybe there’d be breakfast.”
“It’s on the way.”