Not while she was his trusted assistant.

Not while everything worked perfectly as-is.



Dinner at Cedar Grove’s best steakhouse had come and gone in a delicious blur filled with entertaining conversation as she sat with the Lewises and Josh. Amelia made sure not to lay into the wine too heavily, after her unexpected spiked-punch experience the night before. Thankfully, no hangover.

No, it was just plenty of regrets and embarrassment that still clung to her. The fact that she’d thrown herself at her boss, clearly unable to control her attraction any longer with her lowered inhibitions was something she deeply regretted. Partly. Sure, they’d kissed—and hard—but it wasn’t like he wanted to continue it. Josh had simply quietly wrapped up the evening, gotten her back to the suite, and she’d fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

And today? They weren’t talking about it. Weren’t even addressing it. Because it was better to pretend it hadn’t happened. Even though his lips had practically left scorch marks against hers.

“We obviously have many ideas about things we’d like to incorporate into such a gorgeous space as the hotel and its surroundings,” Josh said. Amelia had missed about half the conversation, lost in her own thoughts while staring at Josh’s perfect face. She’d realized, over the course of this dinner, that his celebrity twin was Liam Hemsworth. And that somehow made everything worse.

Because now, Josh was even more perfect.

Perfectly out of reach.

“Amelia, didn’t you say last night you would love to see a tulip garden planted out back?”

Josh’s question made her jolt to attention. Tulip garden. Had she said that while drunk? “Oh, yes. Pink tulips, actually, would be my preference, but I’m open to other colors.”

Stan and Betty laughed, sending warm smiles their way. Josh had been right to bring her along. The owners were falling in love with them. Josh’s natural charm made it hard not to like him, and Amelia’s hometown girl aspect really made the whole thing a home run. Josh, as usual, was a genius. Going after what he wanted andgetting itsimply by being himself. Granted, his love for his mom and his happy memories at the Cedar Grove Hotel drove his reasons for wanting the property beyond the financial aspects, which would also be substantial given that the hotel always seemed busy year-round.

“Amelia, is that you?”

A new voice made Amelia twist around. At her side, Mrs. Pemberley smiled down at her—Amelia’s tenth-grade history teacher.

“Mrs. Pemberley!” She shot up out of her chair to hug her favorite teacher. Mrs. Pemberley was graying now but wore the same little round glasses she’d been famous for back at Cedar Grove High. “It’s so good to see you!”

Stan and Betty greeted the older woman, who had also taught their sons. The smile on Stan’s face grew even larger. Josh couldn’t have planned a better unlikely reunion and judging from the smile on his face, he could tell it was working in his favor.

“This is my fiancé, Josh,” Amelia blurted, feeling her cheeks get hot. “Mrs. Pemberley is my favorite teacher of all time.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Josh said, standing to offer his hand. “And now that makes youmyfavorite teacher of all time.”

Mrs. Pemberley swatted away the compliment. “I just wanted to say hello. I don’t want to hold up your dinner. I need to get back to my husband. We’re here celebrating forty years together.”

Stan and Betty offered their congratulations, and Amelia noticed how Stan squeezed his wife’s hand. They had to be close to a forty-year anniversary too. Hell, her parents were on their way to forty years. The realization made her dizzy. And here she was, faking it for money. She wouldn’t even reach her wedding day. Much less her first anniversary.

“Hopefully we’ll make it to forty years,” Josh said with a wink in Amelia’s direction, but this time, his charm couldn’t sway her and her misgivings were clamoring to be heard.

“It was so good to see you,” Amelia said to her favorite teacher, squeezing her hand. “Enjoy the rest of your meal.”

Mrs. Pemberley said goodbye and disappeared into the depths of the restaurant.

“One of my favorite parts about coming to Cedar Grove,” Josh said, his eyes sparkling, “is seeing proof of how loved Amelia is.”

Amelia forced a smile, his words clanging hollowly inside her. Once again, she was questioning agreeing to the lie. The money would pay off the last of her student loans and the promotion would be a dream come true, but at what cost?

She was lying to her family; she was lying to Mrs. Pemberley. The sale of this hotel would be based on a lie.

Was the money really worth lying to the people who’d always loved and believed in her?

When the bill came, Josh insisted on paying and managed to slip his credit card into the slim folder and hand it off to a waiter before Stan could protest. The four of them said their goodbyes at the front door of the restaurant, and both Stan and his wife hugged her before setting off. They were atthatlevel already, on day two. This sale was practically in the bag.

They stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, their breaths billowing in the cold air. The gilded doors swung shut behind them, blocking out the murmur of voices that had followed them from the packed dining room. Josh nudged her with his elbow.