She smiles at me then looks down at the dog, who is gazing lovingly at her.

“Handsome boy, do you want to stay with Frank so Momma can grab a shower? He’s going to take you for a short walk so you can stretch your legs and maybe potty. You can trust him, he’s your daddy.”

Hearing that my head jerks up just as hers does. Her cheeks get a rosy pink, as her small tongue comes out before she bites on her full as fuck lower lip.God, this woman is killin’ me,I think as my cock starts to lengthen and thicken. Not wanting her to see, I turn and act like I’m lookin’ for the dog’s leash. When I hear jangling behind me, I turn to see Celee shaking the damn leash right in front of my face. How the hell did she sneak up on me without me hearing her?

“Here you go, Frank. I’m going to grab some stuff out of my bag. Do you think we’ll make it back to your clubhouse by tomorrow? I’m just wondering on how much longer?”

“Sweetheart, if we’re lucky, maybe late tomorrow night or, worst case, the next day early morning. No matter, there’s always someone there; a prospect doing what he’s told or a member banging some sweet cheek.”

Fuck, did I just say that? Nowadays most members are involved with women and the ones who ain’t, it’s not my business what they do as a prospect. I can see by the look on Celee’s face she’s about ready to give me some shit.

“Frank, did I hear you correctly? The Grimm Wolves club have women at the clubhouse to service their men’s basic needs? Really, in 2023, this crap still happens? I know my father supplied women for his goombas. Guessing you don’t know what that means—goombas. It means pal, friend, or even associate in Italian. You know, stuff like that. But that you guys are still in the seventies is surprising. I didn’t see anything like that on the website.”

Feeling my gut churning and not wanting to get into this right now, as usual, I open mouth and push in foot.

“Goddamn it, Celee, why would I have mentioned it before? My ass is already on the choppin’ block for that post with the picture of the clubhouse on that stupid motherfuckin’ dating site. Once Brick and Fury find out, my ass is gonna be in deep shit. Secondly, what happens in the clubhouse should stay in there. I just opened my mouth about other brothers and I shouldn’t have, so forget what I said. Now, I’m takin’ lil’ shit out. Go shower, gonna order the food before I leave and give them my cell phone number. Take all the time you need.”

I walk to the puppy, click on the leash to the collar I bought him, and make my way out of the room when my stomach starts growling loudly. When I let one rip, know my time is short. Oh fuck. Making a quick rush down the hallway to the elevators, I pick up lil’ shit, who thinks we’re playing a game. When I get off, I look for a bathroom, which has me almost running down the hall. Fuck it, I’m gonna bring the puppy in with me, no choice.

Hitting a stall, I put lil’ shit at my feet, trying to keep the leash in my hands as I drop my jeans and boxers. With barely any time left, I drop my ass down and that’s when my gut lets loose. Between the noises and smell the puppy is actually sitting at my feet watching me, head tilted like‘what the fuck.’Normally at a time like this, I play with my phone or search the internet. But I’m leery of the puppy getting away from me and, fuck, what would I do then.

Reaching down, I start to pet the little bastard who tries to lie down, but I won’t let him. Don’t want him rolling around on the floor in front of a toilet. Leaning down, I grab him up, which has him licking my entire face. As he starts to relax in my arms, every noise that comes from taking care of business has his head jerk off my shoulder or chest and he’d look deep in my eyes. It’s almost like he’s saying,‘Really, dude again?’

When I’m finally finished, I put him down again so I can clean up. Somehow he manages to get into the next stall just as someone walks in. FUCK.

“Hey there, little fellow, you using this stall? You belong to someone or did some asshole drop you here?”

“No, he’s with me, sorry. Had to bring him in with me, had an emergency, ya know how that goes. I’ll grab him as soon as I pull my jeans up. Hang on.”

I still have one side of the leash and suddenly it feels like someone is messing with the puppy’s collar, which has me grab my jeans, pulling them up as I open the stall door and can’t believe what I’m seeing. Some dork is trying to grab and run away with lil’ shit. Well, not happening on my watch, motherfucker.

“Hey, what the fuck, asshole? I told you he was mine and you’re still tryin’ to grab him? Ain’t ya got any brains or did the Lord miss ya? Put him down now, motherfucker.”

He looks at me up then down. I’m wearing my kutte and when he gets to the middle of me, I lift one side of it and show him my gun in a holster. His eyes get big as he slowly places the puppy on the floor. Only problem he has is I’m blocking his way out.

“Sorry, Mister, my bad, he’s cute. Thought maybe I could make a quick buck, you know, maybe a trucker at that truck stop across the street is lonely and wants a puppy for company. No foul, no harm, right?”

Not wanting to bring attention to myself, I give him one of my asshole looks and say not one word for a few minutes.

“You know what, you ain’t worth the bother. Get your ass out of my sight now. And check out the back of my kutte. You’re lucky I’m in a givin’ mood. Now go get the fuck out.”

I watch the weasel make his way out, shaking like a leaf, thanks to our club enforcer, Chains. He’s been teaching all the prospects how to intimidate people in all kinds of situations. He always tells us to watch our body language and make sure to keep eye contact, no matter what.

I finish zippin’ and buttonin’ my jeans then wash my hands and pull them through my hair. Grabbing lil’ shit up off the floor, as soon as he’s close to my face he starts whining and kissing the hell outta my face and neck. It’s almost like he knows how close he was to being taken by that douchebag. I pet his head and even return a kiss to him.

“Never tell anyone about this. I’ll deny it and make your life miserable. You hear me? Quit that, that tickles. Come on, with the tongue. All right, let’s get you a walk so I can be back when the food gets here.”

When I put him down, he turns and waits for me to pick up the leash, then together we walk out of the bathroom and into the open space by the check-in counter.

“Oh, look at that, cutie. Can I give him a boney?”

Looking at the kid, who’s probably just north of eighteen, I give him a grin with a little sneer in it. He just smiles and walks around the counter with a couple of cookies in his hands.

“Here you go, handsome. I’ll give your daddy a few for later. Be a good boy.”

Then he hands me four cookies without a word. Once again, we head toward the doors and once out he starts tugging at the leash. As quickly as possible, I get him to the area designated for dogs, and he barely makes it before lifting his leg at one of the fake hydrants.

Running my hands through my hair, I never thought I’d be right here like this while Celee is in our room taking a shower. And more disturbing is, I’m with the girl I met on that dating site and we’ve not fucked yet. What the fuck is wrong with my life? If I have luck, it’s definitely bad luck. With that thought I grab a bag and bend to pick up what lil’ shit dropped while I was daydreaming. I read the posts all over this area that say on the sign to pick up their shit. Then we walk around for a few minutes before making our way back to our room.