What the ever-lovin’fuck did Dingo drag us into now? Two assholes have been snooping around our apartment building, then had the audacity to try and walk up to our clubhouse, bound and determined to ask questions.

After these two ‘Italians’ ran their mouths for about three minutes, I’d had enough already. They were stupid enough to let Celestina’s name slip a few times and that was all I needed. Without saying a word, I gave the signal to Tiny and Irons, two of our prospects, who at the time were manning the gate. And what a show those Italian imbeciles put on.

Took a while for both Tiny and Irons to get the guys down on the ground and arms zip-tied behind their backs. Once there, my boys pushed them onto their sides then their asses, pulling them into a seated position. All the while they were screamin’ what I’m assuming were fuckin’ swear words in their native tongue. Whatever, ya stupid pricks, your asses are mine now. And if I know Chains, those tongues will be on his wet room floor in no time at all.

By now, I’ve got probably half my club watching the show, some with beer in their hands, while others are wiping grease from theirs because they’re working. A few look to have just rolled out of bed. Turning, I search faces until I find the cold, dead eyes of my enforcer.

“Chains, up and front.”

He pushes his way to my side and waits. He’s not one for small talk, which works for the position he holds in our club. Though since his commitment ceremony he seems calmer and even a bit nicer, if those words could be applied to him.

“Brother, I want you to take these two assholes to your wet work shed and get as much information as possible from them on how and what they know about Celestina.”

“Then what, Brick? We gonna set up a tea service for these motherfuckers? Have one of the prospects pick up some biscotti to go with their tea?”

Chuckling, I see he’s on a rip about something. Not gonna ask ’cause it ain’t the time.

“Why do you think I’m askin’ you to handle this? Because I know once the questioning is done, I don’t have to worry about one fuckin’ thing. You understand? Good, grab a prospect or two to assist. Thanks, brother.”

I walk right up to the two men who tried to walk on our property and know they will never leave. When I’m within reach, I kick the first jagoff right in the face. Spit and blood burst from it and he starts screaming again. Turning to the second one, knowing he’s expecting my foot, I lean down, wind back, and throw a left that literally knocks him down and out. Then I turn and walk back to the clubhouse and my office. Emmie told me the room is a pigsty and she wasn’t cleaning it any longer. Well, she wouldn’t be able to as she’s carrying my triplets. Thinking that, I can’t keep the smile off of my goofy as fuck face. So now I’m a cleaning man in my spare time.

Hearing my phone ring, I wipe the sweat that’s pouring down my face. Goddamn, didn’t know it took so much effort to clean a stupid room. Reaching for my phone, I take a breath.

“Yo, you got Brick.”

“Hey, Prez, it’s Dingo. We finally found a place to bed down. Reason I’m calling is that…”

“Would it be that little furry fucker that’s been sittin’ on your Celee’s lap for the last couple of hours? Remember who you’re talkin’ to, boy.”

I wait but get nothing. I walk to my office and sit my ass down. Either I shocked him so much he dropped the call, which I know Dingo would never do, so I give him a few more minutes.

“Sorry, Brick, I tried to get the woman to leave that mutt behind but she finally told me either we take the pup or I leave them both behind. With all that’s going on with her and so many assholes looking for her, I… well… I caved.”

“Wait ’til Presley hears you’ve got a puppy in his dream car.”

Chuckling, I wait for it and then he gives it to me.

“No, Prez, please don’t. I’ll have the car detailed, shit, I’ll do it myself. He’ll never need to know. Come on, cut me some slack, for Christ’s sake. This trip took a serious fucked-up turn for me.”

Now outright laughing, I lean back in my chair as we catch up on where they are and what’s going on. When he asks how I knew about the puppy, I told him.

“Dingo, my God, you’ve watched Karma work. He’s been followin’ your ass on traffic cameras and shit like that. When you’re out on the open roads, it’s harder to follow, but before you left Texas, I had Bullet put a GPS on Presley’s car so we knew where you were at. Now, down to business, brother, how much longer ’til you get back home?”

Going through different alternative routes, since trouble seems to be knocking on their door constantly, I tell him to put the pedal to the metal and get their asses home. After we hang up, I grab a bottle of water and guzzle it down then get back to being my own bitch and cleaning up my mess. Even at my age, it sucks to be an adult. How much longer ’til Emmie has those babies? Gotta check out my calendar to make sure I’m looking at the right date, but for now, know before I leave a mess I’ll be cleaning it up. ’Cause even after the rugrats are born, no way am I expecting my ol’ lady to bust her ass. Or a new thought pops into my mind; I’ll put cleaning on the rotation for the prospects. That idea works perfectly for me.

* * *

Must have fallen asleep on the clean, wiped-down leather. My head is on the arm and, fuck, I’m drooling like a dog. Hearing my phone, I feel for it but can’t find it. Shit, I go to roll up and instead over shift and roll right off the couch.Thank Christ I mopped the floor,I think as I look at the floor on my hands and knees.

Managing to get to my feet, I see the phone on the corner of the desk.


“Mike, hi it’s me, just wondering when you’re coming home. And don’t fret, nothing is wrong. I was going to try and make some dinner.”

“Sugar, don’t go to any bother, please. You need to rest, keep those gorgeous legs up so they don’t swell on you. I’ll be leaving shortly. I can pick up anything you want.”