“You know, I’ve never had a pet. Wasn’t allowed. My father always said they were messy and stinky, so he didn’t want their smell and fur on his expensive furniture. And there was no way he was going to let one of his ‘men’ clean up dog shit. Those idiots had more important things to do. You know, brutalize and kill people. Damn, I don’t think I was ever let to pet an animal. No petting zoos or kids’ pony parties. Well, no birthday parties at all, again he said it was just another day. If I can, want to keep this little guy. He’s beyond smart and I think we’ve bonded. Have you had pets before, Frank?”

Damn, that question brings back a ton of memories and not many good. Just the thought of my old man has my gut tightening and my head start to throb, which is nothing new if it’s a thought of the old bastard, or how his fists felt pounding into my head or body.

“Well, let me think on that one, Celee. Yeah, I’ve had a few pets over the years. Well, until my old man would get home and either kick them outta the house or he’d just grab ’em by the scruff and break their necks. Then he’d look at us kids and say in that voice of his, ‘I said no animals in my house, motherfuckers.’ The one time Momma stepped up for us, he killed the kitten then beat her to within an inch of her life. Haven’t had a pet since.”

I can feel the intensity of her stare but what I’m not prepared for is her hand grabbing mine, squeezing tightly. And what’s worse is how good it feels to have that connection. So in silence, with our hands holding on to each other, we head toward the next truck stop to grab some grub and probably water the dog too. All while I’m figuring how I have to find a way to ask my prez, Brick, if not only Celee can stay at the clubhouse but also now with her furry friend. This keeps getting more and more fucked up by the mile. But just one look in those icy-blue eyes and I’m gone. Shit, are my brothers gonna have a field day with me after all the shit I’ve thrown at them over the years. I hear that old saying my momma used to say, something about what goes around comes around to hit you in the face when you least expect it. Ain’t that the goddamn truth.

We drive for about another twenty or twenty-five minutes before a huge truck stop pops up on the right-hand side. Making sure to keep my eyes open wide, I pull in to a pump first to fuel up. Celee pops the door open then pulls it back, slamming it shut.

“Frank, can you do me a favor? I need a leash for the puppy. Can’t just let him go out here with all these folks around, don’t know if he’ll run or not. Or worse, get taken, hit by a car or truck. Please?”

“Yeah, I’ll run in to get lil’ shit a leash and see if they have some puppy food. You want me to grab you some food?”

As we go back and forth, I see a few truckers checking us out but nothing out of the ordinary. I mean, Presley’s car is the shit, not to mention the smokin’ hot babe in the front seat holding a cute as fuck puppy. Finishing up with filling the tank, I complete the process and head in to pay. Right when I walk past a pretty old and beat-up tractor with no trailer, I hear some asshole run his fuckin’ mouth.

“Look at pretty boy, got himself a fancy car and an even prettier whore. How does a little punk shit like him get the world handed to him while us working stiffs get absolutely nothing? That’s why I keep spouting off to ya that life ain’t fair, for Christ’s sake.”

I try to ignore the son of a bitch but he keeps running his trap until finally, after he disrespects Celee, I let loose.

“What is your fucking problem, old man? Can’t get it up no more so you gotta be a dick to everyone else? You don’t know me and you surely don’t know that woman sittin’ in that car. What gives you the right to call her a whore or bitch? Motherfucker, today’s your lucky day ’cause I’m gonna hold myself back from knockin’ you right on your stupid old ass. Mind your own business and stay the fuck away from me and mine.”

I pound into the store where everyone is smiling and clapping.

“Good for you, son, he’s a total big mouth.”

“Way to go, finally, someone told him to zip it.”

“She’s one lucky girl, that’s for sure. Standing up for her honor.”

Everyone in the front of the store was watching and seemed thrilled with the way I handled that jerk. Lifting my head a little higher, I go up and down the aisles looking for shit I think we need. When I come to the animal section, which is tiny, I pick up a small bag of puppy chow, two bowls, a few of what toys they have, and some puppy training treats.

Once in line, I check my phone to see a text message from.

Fury:Dingo, where you at, brother? How’s things going, any problems? Check in when you can. Be safe, see ya soon. Oh yeah, before I go, Shadow’s been calling to make sure her cousin gets here safe and sound. I know you, brother, but make sure she gets here okay, yeah?

Great, not only do I have to worry about the assholes after Celee but that crazy motherfucker up there in Montana now too. It’s not like they grew up together, shit, they just met in Texas at that author signing. Whatever, I’ll get back home as soon as I can and not gonna let anyone ride my ass. It is what it is.


WatchingFrank run his long fingers through his hair, I smile to myself. My God, I can’t remember the last time tingles appeared throughout my body just watching such a simple act by a man. I can tell he’s frustrated that we now have the puppy with us, but there is no way in hell I was going to leave that cutie behind. No fucking way.

Since we really don’t know each other, like at all, Frank, or as he keeps telling me to call him, Dingo, doesn’t know how I was raised. First, it was the devil’s brother who raised me. Dario De Luca thought about no one but himself. One of the few folks out here who have experienced my father’s evil is my cousin, Zeona De Luca, or most know her as Shadow, enforcer for the Devil’s Handmaidens MC Timber-Ghost Montana chapter.

After finally meeting her, there is no way in hell that we aren’t related. Same build, hair, and eye color. Only difference is her total skull face tattoo. It’s fucking killer. If only I had the guts to do something like that. I pray that we can continue to get to know each other. Though I know she has her guard up because of who my father was, with what he did to her and being she’s the one who finally killed his worthless ass.

“Celee, we are gonna need to find somewhere to bed down. Go on my phone and look for a hotel or motel that is pet friendly, would ya?”

“Sure, Frank, no problem. Where are we right now?”

As we go back and forth, I pull up his Google application and start searching for like he said, pet friendly lodging. I’m beyond surprised by all the hotels that are open to pets staying in their rooms. I give him the names so he can pick. When he picks one of the more expensive ones, I look at him and raise an eyebrow.

“Girl, we are not stopping in a flea-ridden motel, especially with your little friend there on your lap. You figure out what you’re gonna name it?”

“Damn, Frank, he’s not an it. What do you have against pets, for Christ’s sake? Well, yeah, you told me it’s about your dad. Well, that was when you were a kid, now you’re an adult. Only you can change your life. And no, I’ve not come up with a name yet. Though I have a few in mind.”

As he approaches the hotel, his eyes are searching all over. He drives by, looking at the cars and trucks parked out front. After his third drive-by he seems satisfied, so he grabs a parking spot at the end of an aisle under the big overhead light. He turns to me, smiling.

“Okay, when we go in, don’t say a word and try to keep your head down, please. Those stunning eyes of yours will stay in their memories for sure. I’m gonna give you my sweatshirt, wear it so they can’t get an idea of your body shape. Also try and keep lil’ shit quiet and under control. Though he’s a plus because no one will think you’re traveling with a puppy. I’m going to register under my given name, so if someone is hunting you down it will be harder for them to put two and two together, hopefully. Okay, let’s go. I’ll grab both of our travel bags, just take him and his food, bed, and bowls.”