“You hurt, Celee? What happened?”

“Let me go, Frank. I think there’s an animal in the back.”

We both walk back to the car and with my phone again in my hand, I shine the light, yep, there it is. A puppy. It’s huge already. There’s some blood in its fur so I go to grab it out, and Frank pulls my hand back.

“Leave it, Celee, we need to finish and get the fuck outta here.”

“Frank, I’m not leaving a puppy out here with two dead bodies. No way, let me go get it or leave me with it. Your choice.”

He makes a face at me but lets me go, so I again reach into the car, this time feeling and then grabbing the pup out of the back seat, needing both hands. It’s wiggling all over and once out and on my shoulder is licking me like crazy. Why would these two assholes have a puppy with them while they’re chasing the two of us?

“Bait dog, Celee. They probably either stole it or caught that pup and were going to use it to train their fighter dogs. The mob is big into dogfights. Is it okay?”

I kneel, holding the puppy down, giving it a once-over. Seems to be okay, not sure where the blood is coming from unless it’s from the men’s injuries. Could be splatter from when Frank shot them.

“All right, I’m sure Presley isn’t going to like it, but let’s put some shit down on the seat before you put the beast in his car. Son of a bitch, it ain’t like we don’t have enough on our plates already. Now we add a dog, nope a damn puppy, to the mix. What the ever-lovin’ fuck?”

Just the way he says it, or maybe it’s the stress, but for some reason I break out giggling then laughing out loud. The puppy is wiggling all over while Frank looks at the both of us like we’re the crazy ones, instead of him with a gun in his hand and two dead guys in a car that’s hanging over a ditch. I walk back to the car, grab the keys, and open the trunk.

Thank God Presley seems to be prepared for anything. There’s a blanket, so I pull it out and cover the seat in back. Then I grab his pillow, so sorry, and put it against the one side. When I put the puppy in, it smells around for a bit, makes a few circles, then curls up and falls instantly asleep. I jog back to the car, grabbing the stuff off the road, just as I see Frank putting some kind of cloth in the gas tank. Oh shit, I’ve seen Dad’s guys do this. I move quickly back to the car, getting in quietly, throwing the shit in my hands in one of the bags Presley has in the car for garbage. I turn to see if the puppy is still sleeping, and yeah, it’s out like a light.

Speaking of light, a flash almost blinds me as an explosion goes off behind Presley’s car just as Frank opens the door, plopping down in the seat. I hand him the keys and he starts the car, taking off like a bat out of hell.

Well, I wouldn’t say it’s a good start to our ride back to the Grimm Wolves clubhouse. Though expected when it has anything to do with Dario De Luca. Even dead he’s still an anchor around my neck and a huge pain in my ass. Father or not.


I glanceat Celee who’s sleeping somehow curled up on the seat, head against the door, and realize—son of a bitch—how deeply and fast I’m falling for her already. So much for going on that stupid dating site and hooking up with a hot chick out of state, then coming back and doing my gig while finishing my prospecting for the Grimm Wolves motorcycle club. No not only didn’t I get any, but I’m bringing the chick back with me. And to top it off, there’s a beast of a puppy in the back seat.That hit on the head might have concussed me,I think, just as the little shit in the back starts to whine.

“What do you want? Gotta go take a piss or shit or just hungry? Okay, don’t get all crazy on me and whatever you do, lil’ shit, don’t piss or shit in Presley’s car. That’s a definite no-no.”

Hearing soft giggling, I look to see Celee staring at me, a huge smile on her face.

“What are you, the animal whisperer, Frank? Maybe we should stop and see if the pup needs to use the bathroom.”

I look up ahead and there’s a big enough space on the shoulder to pull the car over. Once we’ve stopped, we both take our seat belts off and get out of the car. Me, I stretch ’cause this isn’t a comfortable ride. Looks tough as shit and has more power than I can figure out what to do with, but comfort level… not so much. I look over the hood to see my passenger doing the exact same thing. Stretching to get the crimps out of our bodies.

Hearing the puppy whining and crying, I walk to the other side, open the passenger door, flip the seat up, and before I can reach to pull the lil’ shit out, he jumps and miraculously lands on his paws, taking off—I’m guessing—to find the perfect spot to piss. When he hits a small tree, he lifts his leg and starts pissing. And pissing and pissing. Well, what do you know, he held it in and didn’t piss in the car. One point for lil’ shit.

“Oh look, Frank, if lil’ shit is lifting his leg, he must be a big boy. We have to give him a name, come on, think of a cool badass name for him. Damn, his paws are huge, so I’m guessing he’s going to be humongous when he’s fully grown. What should we call him?”

I don’t hesitate one second.

“Lil’ shit.”

She looks at me like I’ve grown two fucking heads, for Christ’s sake.

“Frank, we can’t call him that. What the hell, dude? I want a perfect name for him. Let me think for a while.”

Celee walks over to where the puppy is running back and forth, not sure why. When she picks up a stick, he goes all still, watching said stick so intently it makes me wonder if someone was training him because he’s got good manners and is very alert.

The three of us make it to the car and when I see Celee sit down with the pup in her lap, I immediately have the hair on the back of my neck going up.

“No, no way, Celee, is that beast sitting in front with us. What happens if someone else starts chasing us, then what? He could get hurt in the crossfire. Lil’ shit needs to be in the back.”

“Nope, Frank, he wants to be with us. And just saying, if someone is chasing us and fires it can hit him in the back just as much as it could hit him in the front. He stays. Now, you said something about food. I’m starving and so is our boy here. Move along, Frank.”

Not sure what else to do, so begrudgingly I once again start to head in the direction that will take us to my club and, hopefully, protection. I glance over at Celee to see her giving kisses to the lil’ shit then waits for him to give her puppy licks all over her face. The pure happiness on her face hits me square in the chest. What the fuck is that? Uh oh, no fucking way. Before I can get either an ignorant comment or stupid silly shit outta my mouth, I hear her soft voice.