“Motherfucker, why didn’t you lead with that? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Slamming the bottle on the table, I jump up, going to grab my bike keys, but stop. I’ve already had a beer and one gulp of Jack before I had to take a piss. Better take my cage. I go to the key thing Spitfire hung up for us to put our keys on and grabbed my cage ones. Running to the garage, I see Abby and the twins coming out of their garage. When she blows the horn, I wait for her to drive the short distance.

“Dingo, jump in, we’re heading to the hospital and figure that’s where you’re off to. Talon, get in the back seat with Rogue. No, don’t even, Son, you’re already on my shit list, now move your ass. Get in, Dingo, now.”

Not gonna fight with Abby, she can get tricked out. I wait for Talon to get out of the front and then I get in, buckling up. Abby waits for her son to get settled then she literally pushes the gas to the floor. Motherfucker, she drives worse than Chains and Bad Dog together.

“What the hell happened, Dingo? I thought Emmie was on bed rest. Thank God Esmeralda was there, the thought of her going through this alone makes me cringe. What’s up with Celestina? Karma said she got hurt somehow? And why the fuck are you here and she’s at the clubhouse? You being a prick, Dingo?”

I turn toward the back and look at both boys, who have smirks on their faces. Rogue just shuffles his shoulders but Talon being Talon can’t hold his tongue.

“Better you, dude, than us. She’s always on our asses. Every single minute of every single day.”

“Really, Talon? I’m right here, Son. Now you’ve got toilet duty for a week.”

“Naw, Momma dearest, we have a maid so no one, not even you, clean toilets in our house.”

Rogue gives his brother an elbow and shakes his head. Talon just grins. Until Abby pulls the SUV over and puts it in park. When she turns, both boys put their hands up. What the fuck? Abby hits those boys? No way.

“Did you just mouth me, boy? What have I told you about that smart-ass mouth of yours? It always gets you in trouble. Give me your phone. No privileges for two weeks. Nope, don’t want to hear it, we don’t have time. Your auntie Emmie is in trouble and Celestina got hurt. So get your head out of your ass, Talon. Grow up, will ya, Son?”

I wait for a minute or two but have to ask.

“Abby, you hit the boys? I mean they seemed shell-shocked when you turned their way. Not that it’s my business, but well, grew up with shit like that and it can fuck a kid up.”

She looks at me for a brief second before her eyes go back to the road. In a soft voice she tears my heart out.

“Dingo, no worries, brother. I’ve never raised a hand to my boys and never will, and if someone else did they’d never breathe another breath. And I get you too. Grew up with a monster and know what happens to a young child when that kind of shit happens. Thanks for caring enough about my boys to ask. Now, enough, need a minute to calm myself so I don’t kill that little brat sitting in the back.”


I gotthe call from my ol’ man and almost screamed. Poor Emmie. I tell my staff that I’m going to the emergency room and leave. Knowing Esmeralda is bringing her in doesn’t give me any peace of mind. She’s a lunatic and drives worse than any of the guys.

I’m pacing back and forth when I see her SUV pull up to the front doors. I call for help and rush out. Esmeralda is already out of her vehicle, giving orders, and swearing like a sailor. When she sees me she lets loose.

“Grace, she—fuck—there’s shit all over the seats. It won’t stop, it’s like she’s constantly peeing on my fucking seat.”

She shuts up when the passenger door opens and the orderlies try to get Emmie out, but she’s in the middle of a contraction so she just sits there holding tightly to the grab bar in front of her. As I check her out, she’s white as a ghost, sweating and breathing shallow. Not good. Her hands are shaking, holding on as she tries to breathe. I push my way to the front.

“Emmie, sweetie, I’m here. Come on, you got this, in and out. Breathe in and out slowly. How quickly are they coming?”

“Grace, my God, you did this twice? What is wrong with you? I think every four or five minutes, but it takes that long in between before all the pain subsides then another one starts. I can’t go through labor, Grace, that’s what the doctor told Mike and me. Oh my God, did someone call Mike? And my suitcase, I didn’t grab it.

Esmeralda comes from the back with a teal suitcase wheeling behind her. I hear Emmie sigh, so at least that part is taken care of and she doesn’t have to worry about it. Poor Emmie, the next twenty-four hours or so are going to be extreme holy hell on her.

Just as she’s being wheeled in, I see a blur of a van take the turn into the hospital parking lot at about fifty miles an hour and on two wheels. Great, the clowns are here. Now I’m going to have to try and keep their antics from the other patients because a bunch of nervous Grimm Wolves can be loud, obnoxious, and pains in the ass.

Tiny pulls in right behind the ambulance and barely stops in time. I actually thought he was going to plow into the back of it. Before it stops, the passenger door flies open and a crazy-eyed Brick jumps out, running right to me.

“Grace, where is she? My God, it’s too early. I thought they were gonna cut the kids out. Are they okay? Where the fuck is she? Come on, Grace, not the time to play around. Where is my goddamn ol’ lady?”

Before I can try to calm him down, security comes rushing out the sliding doors, probably thinking they are going to save me from a raging biker. I put my hands up, and they suddenly come to a stop. I look over my shoulder and there is Francis. Of course my six-foot-six-inch man would make anyone stop in their tracks.

“Hey, Bobby, we’re good here. He’s an expectant father of triplets so he’s losing his mind, that’s all. Thanks though for having my back. Have you met Francis? No, didn’t think so. Francis, this is Bobby, our security, and Bobby, this is my better half, Francis.”

Francis gives me a smirk before he approaches Bobby, and with his soft voice and calming ways has our security guard eating out of his hands in like no time at all. By this time I hear the growl of a bunch of bikes pulling into the lot. Then I see Abby’s huge SUV and again she pulls in behind the club van. I know she’s barely stopped before Dingo is out and running toward us.

“Grace, how’s Celee? Is it bad? Where is she, for Christ’s sake?”