Since I have no idea what he’s blabbering about, I turn to Brick who turns to Chains. Never have I seen the man look sheepish. Then I see Tiny lean in and help a dark-haired woman out. My God, it’s Shadow without a tattooed face. Same icy-blue eyes, dark hair, and damn, what the hell happened to her wrist? She’s got to be in excruciating pain. I move toward her at the same time Dingo goes to move. I hear a thud and when I turn Dingo is hanging off of Francis’s arm. Wow, didn’t know he could do that.

“Prospect, I get your worked up, but don’t you ever go to walk in front of my ol’ lady ever again. Next time won’t be so easy on you. Let Grace look at Celestina, dude. She’s in some big time pain. And I’m believing some of that is on you, asshole. So step back for now. Yeah, let her know you’re here, but that’s it.”

As I’m assessing her wrist, I feel her body stiffen as Dingo comes closer. He’s hesitant, which isn’t him at all, but not my business.

“Celee, I’m here, you’ll be okay, promise. We’ll talk later, ’kay, sweetheart.”

I hear the breath she lets out. Oh oh, something is going on here.

“Frank, nothing to say. You didn’t give me a chance before so I get it. Wash your hands, I’ll find my way. I’m thinking asking the Grimm Wolves club for help isn’t the best way for me to get this handled. Between you and Chains, you’ve beaten me body and soul, not much left. Grace, sorry, I’m ready.”

As we get her pushed into the hospital, I look back and Dingo’s face is one of a broken man, not the usual club clown he’s always been. I give Francis a look then glance back at Dingo. He gets it by giving me a nod. Then I go in to take care of my friend and a lost woman.

* * *

Walking toward the waiting room, I stop and lean against the wall. It’s been a hell of a day for sure. Celestina is still in surgery with her wrist. That is after Fury worked his magic because she couldn’t be registered under her given name as, according to him, the hospital would have become a war zone. He didn’t tell our administrator that, just she was being protected. Since the Grimm Wolves brothers are responsible for the two new units in this hospital, she was registered under a name Fury gave them.

During that they had to actually give Brick a diazepam, or as most know it, Valium. He was causing such a ruckus even Emmie told him to shut the fuck up, which had everyone stop in their tracks. She’s not the kind of person who swears and barely ever that word. And she screamed it so he walked out of her room and slid down the wall right outside of it. Once we got him the medicine and got her prepped for her Cesarean surgery, everyone started to calm down.

I’m the club liaison between them, Emmie, and Celestina. Now I’m on my way to give everyone an update. The room is filled with every member and prospect of the Grimm Wolves, along with most of their family members. I managed to get one of the larger waiting rooms just for the club, as they were scaring everyone in the regular waiting room.

Walking in, I see Abby with her twins sitting with my Damien and Francis, who’s holding our daughter Joey. The prospects are in one corner while the brothers are in another. The women are in the other corner. Spitfire is serving food to everyone. Go figure, our Southern belle is showing love in the form of food. When she sees me, a huge smile shows on her face as she raises the coffeepot my way.

I make my way to Fury, who’s walking toward Abby. Everyone stands and all eyes are on me, but no one says a word. My eyes shift to Francis who looks to the far corner, which is where Dingo is. I give him a nod and he walks over to him, grabbing his arm, pulling him over to the group.

“All right, Celestina is still in surgery. From what I understand she’s going to end up with a plate and some pins. But we’ll see, they said another forty minutes to an hour. Emmie and Brick are the proud parents of triplets. Brick asked I say nothing more until he comes out with their news. They’ll go to the NICU until they can breathe on their own. No, they are good, each is just under five pounds, God bless Emmie. She’s fine, a bit groggy, but happy as a lark. Brick is a wreck, so you guys are going to have to help him with it. That’s all I got for now.”

Fury raises his arms and everyone shuts up. I always wondered how one of the quietest and calmest brothers could do that.

“Grace, we’re gonna stick around. Anything we can do for either of the women? How ’bout for our brother?”

“Fury, just be there for them. Now for Celestina, I know she has no one, so maybe try to make her feel part of this family. She was feeling really low before the surgery, so much the doctor was worried but had to proceed to give her a chance of full mobility. Also the bill is going to be outrageous.”

“I got the fuckin’ bill. And she’ll come stay with us so we can take care of her.”

Looking at Chains, I’m shocked. Winnie grabs his hand as Jackson pats his shoulder. Hmm, a story there for sure. Then I hear the growl.

“No, Chains, you don’t get to decide for Celee. If you weren’t such a dick she wouldn’t be in surgery, you big clumsy ass. No, she’s not livin’ with you, she’s with us. We got her.”

“Really, Dingo? Then why was she so upset talkin’ to Brick after you stormed outta there? You, brother, are the asshole, not me. Yeah, it was an accident. I didn’t think Brick was gonna knock me on my ass with that right of his and had no idea she was directly behind me. ACCIDENT, you son of a bitch. And I’ll take care of her because it was my fault. You intentionally hurt her being a dick and acting like a bratty kid. That’s on you. We’ll leave it up to her where she lives. You gonna pick up her bill too? Didn’t think so, prospect, aint’ got that kind of money, do ya? Thought not. Grace, just let me know who I pay, please.”

He turns and his wife and husband grab him into their special three-way hug to give him support. I feel for Chains, accidents happen. If he wasn’t such a huge guy, maybe she wouldn’t have fallen and tried to break her fall. They’ll figure it out. Francis walks toward me, and Joey already has her arms out toward me. I look down my scrubs but all I’ve been doing is running between rooms, so I’m good. Grabbing my daughter, I hold her close, taking in that special smell all babies have. Damien comes up next to me, hanging on tight.

“They gonna be okay, Grace?”

Looking at my man, I smile. He’s a goof at times.

“You already know the answer to that question, Francis. They both should be okay. Celestina is the one who’s going to have a hard road ahead.”

I hear a ruckus and turn to Brick walking in, hands in his hair. He looks exhausted but his eyes are shining. Everyone rushes to congratulate him, but he puts his hands up.

“No, motherfuckers, all the congrats go to that woman in there. She’s beyond awesome. Emmie gifted me with three children, all healthy. We have two boys and a little princess. We had already picked names before so here goes. Our first son is William Nicolas Jones. Second boy is George Wyatt Jones. And our little girl is named Hazel Grace Jones. Emmie wanted us to honor those who matter most in our lives. So my dad and mom and the four of you who are special in our lives. Not that the other pain in the asses in here aren’t, but I mean, I’ve known Bubba all my life, just about. He’s like a second dad to me. Fury and Chains are truly like brothers and, Grace, she feels the same about you. Well, that you’re like a sister. Emmie’s okay, just nervous, you know… three babies. I’ll walk you to the NICU to see them through the glass, if you want.”

The big yell of yes, yeah, and totally brings a huge smile to his face for a second. Then he looks off to the side where Dingo is standing. He walks over, putting his arm around his brother’s shoulder.

“All I got is I’m sorry. Didn’t think, which is fuckin’ usual for me. We’ll fix this shit with you and your Celee, you have my word on it. Now, ya want to come see my kids, Dingo?”

Dingo looks up with wet eyes. Brick swears then pulls him in tight. Fury tells everyone to give them the room and before I leave, I hear Dingo softly tell Brick he’s happy for him. Family comes in all shapes and sizes, that’s for sure.