Page 68 of Magic and Mayhem

I tried to nod.

I wanted to be good, but Daddy made it so hard. He filled me so incredibly and made me crazy and shaky and so many wonderful things I didn’t have the words for.

Daddy was claiming his dragon.

“Yes, I’m going to make sure my boy is spanked and claimed and filled so you’ll never forget who you belong to.” His lips brushed over my neck as his arms squeezed tighter around me. “Who do you belong to, pretty dragon? Who’s going to claim you?”

Words were stuck in my throat and even swallowing felt impossible. I could feel myself shaking around him as he pounded into me, but I couldn’t get them out.

Kissing me again, Daddy reached under me and danced his fingers over the head of my cock. It was still eager but confused since it’d technically already had playtime, and the sensation was incredible. I couldn’t decide if it was wonderful or if it hurt, and that just made it even more insane.

“Daddy.” The word jumped out like a plea, finally escaping the lump in my throat as sparks flashed in me, hinting at another orgasm that was just out of reach. “I belong to you, Daddy.”

My reward was for his hips to shift and he started nailing my prostate with every long thrust. He remembered. I couldn’t have figured out what was pain and what was pleasure no matter what was at stake, but I was a lucky dragon to have a Daddy who knew that both was perfection.

Between one thrust and the next, his teeth clamped down on me, and as his cock pressed right into my prostate again, I exploded. Everything went dark for a split second as a nearly dry orgasm raced through me. I’d never felt anything like it and it hurt in the most wonderful way, but the best part was feeling Daddy coming inside me, marking me and claiming me as his body jerked around me.

When we were both spent, Daddy stayed inside me and stretched me out on the bed so he could lie over me. He kissed my head and snuggled me tight like a living blanket. “My sweet dragon.”

Nodding, I tried to keep the sleepies at bay, but it was so hard. “Your dragon, Daddy. And you’re my human and I’m going to take good care of you. I’m going to cuddle you…and…and give you the best desserts…and make…and make sure you don’t worry and…”

Yes, there was something else.

I was going to…

Chapter 19


“You don’t have to be ready if you aren’t, but if you are, I’m ready.” Kenzie’s earnestly delivered sentence would’ve been easier to sort out if he’d waited to deliver it until I was completely awake.

He hadn’t.

Opening my eyes, I had to bite back a laugh. Kenzie was staring down at me wearing a big smile and barely controlling his excited wiggles. “Hi, Daddy. Good morning.”

It was definitely his attempt at buttering me up, but I let it work since it wasn’t too early judging by the light outside the window. “Good morning.”

That seemed to be his cue for shenanigans to begin because his smile got even wider and he climbed on top of me. “I’m so excited. I’m very cute, Daddy, and it’s okay to be shy or nervous or anything else you’re feeling. There are no wrong feelings because we can talk through all of them.”

Before I could decide how to respond to his adorable pep talk, words kept tumbling out. “You can always safeword or ask questions, and you need to let me know what you’re feeling because I can’t reassure you or explain things if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

He was now the Dom giving a new sub encouragement.

“Thank you for thinking about ways to help me.” Even though I wasn’t sure if he was making me more nervous or more relaxed. “Give me a kiss first.”

He giggled, keeping his lips pressed tightly closed as he gave me a quick peck. “Morning breath.”

I rolled my eyes as he sat up. “Nothing should get in the way of kisses.”

That got more wiggles and laughter, but he wasn’t going to get distracted. “Kisses after dragon time. I don’t want to get distracted, and I have to show you so you’ll know there’s nothing to worry about.”

He clearly underestimated my ability to worry.

“You’re my Kenzie. I know there’s nothing to worry about.” And I was going to keep up that line no matter what tortures came…all while keeping my fingers crossed that I didn’t do something silly like faint.

Fucking hell, that would be bad.

“It’s going to be fine, Kenzie the cutie.” Teasing him, I stretched my neck up and stole a kiss. “Ha, got it.”