Page 69 of Magic and Mayhem

Giggling, Kenzie slid off me and curled up next to me, resting his head on my chest. “Safewords are for anything, though, Daddy, and we’re both very smart, so we know that that means Daddies can safeword too.”

Was he expecting me to panic or worrying that I’d get upset and not tell him?


“I remember.” Kissing the top of his head, I tried to set healthy expectations for both of us and figure out what to say to make him stop worrying.

We both didn’t need to do that.

“But you have to remember I asked you out on a date when I thought you were an alien, like a little green man kind of alien. You’re just a dragon. That’s a lot easier to deal with.” Right?

That sounded like Kenzie logic but I wasn’t sure I’d gotten it just right.

Waiting for him to take a deep breath and nod was painful but worth it when he sounded happier. “Yes, I don’t have antennas or probes, and I won’t beam you up anywhere. That’s a lot less to worry about.”

He had several good points.

“See, that’s several things we’ve checked off the list right off the bat.” I wasn’t sure if I was serious or teasing but he wasn’t wrong. “I’m going to be a bit surprised no matter how clearly I can picture you as a dragon, and I’m going to have silly questions and good ones.”

We just needed to get the first time over with.

Like jerking off a bandage.

A very big bandage…with teeth and a tail I wasn’t supposed to pull.

Pushing away the wild images that put in my head, I wrapped my arms around Kenzie and kissed his head again. “Alright. I’m going to the bathroom and then I’m going to put some clothes on—because I’m not going outside naked even if you are, naughty dragon.”

That got a giggle from my cutie.

“I’ll make you coffee, Daddy.” Nearly bouncing out of bed, Kenzie scrambled to get to his feet without going headfirst off the bed. “You’ll think I’m prettier if you’re awake.”

He wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t sure the two things were as connected as he seemed to think they were.

“We have a plan.” And a quick glance at my phone as I climbed out of bed said I had plenty of time before work…not that I thought my boss would mind me coming in late, seeing as how it was dragon reveal day.

Pausing in the doorway as I climbed out of bed, Kenzie glanced back at me. “What do you want in your coffee, Daddy?”

I wasn’t sure if coffee counted as cooked food or not, but luckily for me, I took it black most of the time. “Black will be fine.”

“I’ll remember, Daddy.” Dashing out the door after his curious response, Kenzie thudded through the house like a herd of elephants, not a dragon in human form.

A dragon.

Wrapping my head around it seemed too easy, but my explanation to Kenzie was true. I’d been expecting aliens, and while a dragon was unexpected, I’d run into too many odd things since moving here for it to be much of a shock.

Floating people.

Glowing eyes.


My boss exploding things.

The FBI asking me to find bars of gold.

Yep, dragons were not much of a surprise.

Keeping that thought at the front of my mind, I was in and out of the bathroom as quickly as I could and grabbed some sweats and a T-shirt from the stash of clothes I’d brought over. I hadn’t conked out as quickly as Kenzie had last night, so I’d had plenty of time to get my things organized.