Page 29 of Magic and Mayhem

He did!

He nodded.

“I love blue.” Daddy smiled when I squealed because I was so excited he’d like my pretty colors. “I’ll pick up some samples this week and we’ll test it out.”

It was going to be so pretty, but I had to take care of Daddy, so I nodded and started making his special dessert again. No getting distracted. Had to be a good dragon and take care of Daddy. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Yes, that was what dragons did.

We took care of our special things like our hoards, and Daddy was now in my hoard ’cause I could play with him, and so I had to take good care of him. He was going to be my most special toy.

“It’s no problem, cutie. Once we pick out the color, we’ll figure out how to get all your toys organized.” Daddy got his thinking face on and nodded to himself as I carefully heated up the brownies.

No explody here.

Just kind of messy here but I was very careful.

“Kenzie, are some of your toys valuable? Should we put some on the top shelf or in special boxes?” Daddy was thinking so hard he looked like he was solving a mystery.

My hoard was his mystery.

That was so exciting.

“Yes, Daddy.”

And one small scoop for Daddy’s dragon and one not-too-small scoop for the special Daddy…Daddy’s dragon was very smart and knew not to give too much.

“Kenzie the cutie, that’s not enough information.”

Oh, I’d been hoping Daddy would say it wasn’t enough ice cream.


“What ’mation, Daddy?” Just a tiny bit of syrup to make it special, but not too much or Daddy would worry…or it would get messy.

The chocolate syrup liked to goeverywhere.

“About the toys, cutie. I want to make sure we have the most valuable ones protected.” Daddy was very smart and didn’t even get distracted when I gave him his dessert. “That looks delicious, thank you, Kenzie.”


Oh, toys.

Yes, my hoard.

“Maybe the ’pensive ones at the top? Like at the fancy stores?” My toys were fancy too. “Oh, spoons. Spoon for Daddy.”

Daddy didn’t look like aneat with his fingersDaddy.

He smiled but didn’t giggle when I hurried to bring him his spoon. “Thank you, cutie. But fancy stores?”

Daddy’s eyes got big and he sat up straight like a cartoon man with a light bulb going flick over his head. It almost made me giggle, but I listened very carefully. “Oh, you mean like when stores put the expensive things in cases?”

When I nodded, Daddy looked very proud of himself. He was such a cute Daddy and he had the bestest ideas. “What if we find some special boxes for the toys that are worth a lot of money or are your most special ones? Then they won’t get hurt and you can still play with them whenever you want.”

That would make my hoard look very pretty.

As I brought my bowl over, Daddy had even more good ideas. “Then we’ll sort out the rest and decide which ones you want to display by themselves, like the big trucks maybe, and which ones, like the Ponies, should go in a box together.”