Page 30 of Magic and Mayhem

“Neat and tidy, Daddy.” Carefully holding my spoon so I didn’t make a mess, I nodded. “Hoards should be neat and tidy, not big junkyards or sparklies everywhere.”

I was going to have the best hoard ever…pretty and organized and the special ones looking fancy…and I’d be able to find all of my toys.

“Yes, we’ll make it neat and tidy.” Daddy gave me a silly frown as he scooped up another bite. “And I think you might have more toys hidden away somewhere…did you run out of room in your hoard?”


“Just a little, Daddy.” Just under the bed and the couch and in the closet that was supposed to hold sheets and stuff.

Who needed that many sheets?

Daddy groaned, making me giggle. “Yes, you’re going to need some organization.”

Rolling his eyes, Daddy sighed and took another big bite of his dessert. “Just to let you know, I’m easily bribed by good desserts, so remember that when you’ve pulled even more toys out from wherever they’re all hiding.”

“I’m going to like bribing you, Daddy.” And he was so nice to make sure I knew how to do it.

“I think we’re both going to like it.” Daddy was silly and made me laugh again. “Silly dragon.”

“Not a goose.” I laughed and laughed. “Then I might get eaten. Chomp chomp.”

Daddy scrunched up his face and shivered. “No getting chomped.”

Then it was a good thing I wasn’t a shifter from Lorne’s books because some of them were rabbits and silly things that would get chomped fast.

“No getting chomped, Daddy.” Holding my arms out, I made muscles. “I’m a big dragon.”

I just wasn’t a very grown-up one, but that was fine because Daddy didn’t need me to be boring. He was going to like that I was a cute, silly dragon.

“I’m very glad.” Daddy smiled, giving me anotherI have the cutest dragonlook. “Then I don’t have to worry.”

No worries for Daddy.

“I’m very safe, Daddy.” I wasn’t naughty and didn’t fly where regular humans could see me and I didn’t get lost when I was flying and I ’membered to eat lots when I was my big dragon self. “I’m a good boy and a good dragon.”

“That makes me feel much better.” Daddy stretched his foot out and poked mine, making me giggle. “Because I’m going to like rewarding a very good boy who’s safe and makes good decisions.”

Yay, I liked rewards.

“Very good, Daddy. Yes.” Finishing my dessert, I tried to look very sweet. “What kind of rewards do good boys get?”

He laughed. “No trying to manipulate Daddy by looking even cuter. That’s cheating.”

“Nooo, I’m Daddy’s good boy.” And good boys would never do that and get caught. “Cute and happy and cuddly and playie and funny and snuggly…lots of good boy things.”

Daddy rolled his eyes. “Yes, lots of good boy things…like being silly and trying to talk his Daddy into lots of rewards.”


Giggling, I shook my head. “No, Daddy. ’Member? Good boy.”

I’d tell him over and over ’til he didn’t forget.

I was a very good helper.

“How could I forget?” Daddy gave me a silly frown that made me laugh. “I’m also not going to forget we’re watchingPete’s Dragon.”

“Roar.” It was Daddy’s turn to laugh.