Page 15 of Cruel Crypts

It wasn’t locked.

The door opened almost noiselessly, in fact, and I slipped through a crack wide enough for my body before carefully closing the door behind me. There were more rough-hewn stone stairs leading down, and I began to descend, my curiosity spiking. This originally would have been a lower level of the crypts, if I had to guess, and another shiver went through my body as I thought about what might await me at the bottom of the steps. Low lighting illuminated my way, activated by tiny motion sensors, and the air was fresh rather than stale, so it was clear that the passageway was definitely in use. There was no noise, though. The sounds of the party had all but disappeared, although I could still feel the rumble of the bass if I concentrated.

The air was much cooler down here, almost cold, and I rubbed my arms as I descended the final few steps to a stone corridor with two wooden doors at the end. I made my way along the short corridor to the doors and tugged on the handle of the one directly in front of me.

Fuck. This door was locked. I turned around to try the second door.

And found myself face to face with Knox Ashcroft.



The shock on Elena’s face would’ve made me smile if it wasn’t for the fact that I was so fucking pissed off that she’d not only had the audacity to come to this party, but she’d gone poking around areas that were very fucking off limits to her. I’d clocked her the second she’d entered the crypts. She was unmissable tonight. Her thick, glossy hair was pulled into a high, sleek ponytail, and whatever she’d done with her make-up made her eyes look huge, framed by long dark lashes, and her lips shiny and pouty. The tiny excuse for a dress she was wearing…fuck. Me. Black, silky, and so fucking short, making her legs look miles long, aided by the towering heels she had on. The shoes themselves were sexy as fuck, gold with straps twisting up her calves.

In short, she looked like someone I’d be down to fuck. All fucking night. Leagues above any of the other girls at this school, in my opinion—and based on the way my dick was straining at the confines of my jeans, she was about to be aware of that fact very soon if I didn’t move away from her.

But I could ignore my urges because it washer. The girl who’d caused me to leave my friends upstairs, the girl whose only interactions with me had been filled with antagonism, the girl who had something so shifty about her I didn’t trust her as far as I could throw her. In fact, I hadn’t even had one drink tonight because as soon as I’d lifted my beer to my lips, I’d spotted her, and straight away, my drink was forgotten. I needed a completely clear head to watch out for her in case she tried anything. What it was about her, I didn’t know, but she was fucking up to something, I knew it.

I was just about to step back when my dad’s words came back to me. Something he used as a mantra in the courtroom.You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Maybe it was time for a new tactic.

Instead of moving away, I moved closer, pressing her against the door that she’d just tried to open. “Want to know what’s behind door number one?”

“W-what?” she stammered out, clearly confused by my tactic.

I let my hips press into her, and she gasped as she felt my erection. Lowering my head, my lips skimmed her ear. “I said, do you want to know what’s behind the door?”

She shivered beneath me, and I smiled. Yeah, this girl was as shallow as the rest of the wannabe goddesses, even if she hid it most of the time, and I wasn’t above using my looks to get what I wanted.

What exactly I wanted, I didn’t know, but I’d figure it out. As long as it ended with me getting one over on her. She needed to pay for thinking she could just stroll in here like it was her right.

In fact… An idea began to form, and my smile widened.

I dug into my pocket and fished out the heavy iron key, then reached around her and slid it into the lock. “Ready?”

Elena remained silent, but her breathing was becoming more rapid. She was either scared or turned on, and I wasn’t sure which I preferred. Either way, it proved the power I had over her.

I turned the key and opened the door, using my body weight to push Elena into the large room. The second we were inside, I spun her around, hauling her back against my chest and banding my arms around her so she couldn’t escape. I kicked the door shut behind us, and then I took in the room, trying to see it through her eyes. She was still completely silent, probably in shock.

“What do you think, Elena?” My mouth was at her ear again. Fuck, she smelled so fucking good, all seductive and sexy.

She exhaled deeply. “What is this?”

“The lower level of the crypts.” As I trailed my mouth slowly down the side of her throat, she pressed back into me, the curve of her ass grinding directly against my cock.Fuck. “The tomb of the gods.” I swallowed hard.

“This is where the elite bring their conquests to fuck, you mean.” Her voice was full of disdain, but there was a breathless quality to it that proved how affected she was. I raised my head, following her gaze to the giant tomb that dominated the centre of the room, carved with archaic symbols, ancient Greek inscriptions chiselled into the surface. There were three other tombs set into the walls, one on each wall, and the fourth wall held the exit, along with a stone shelf carved into the wall and a large wooden chest. The central tomb was lit in a way that threw the carvings into relief, and the muted light penetrated just far enough to dimly illuminate the other tombs. Elena was wrong about the purpose of this room—the other room down here was used when we wanted privacy with girls. This one was where we stored some of our equipment, but most people didn’t get off on fucking on tombstones, so it had never been used for the reasons she thought it had.

Although…I glanced down at her wide eyes, and the way she was staring at the tomb, so mesmerised…

“Yeah. This…” I traced my finger down her arm and angled my head back down to her neck, scraping my teeth across her skin. “…is where we come tofuck.” As soon as I said the last word, I bit down on her throat, and she straight up fuckingmoaned.

Fucking hell. Why had I thought this was a good idea to bring her in here? My dick was throbbing, and the way she was rubbing up against it, I was going to have a very serious problem in about two minutes.

My head began to clear when I reminded myself of who exactly she was. Tightening my grip on her, I backed us towards the side of the room. Holding on to her with one hand, I reached behind me, feeling along the stone shelf carved into the wall until I found what I was looking for.

She was fast, and clever, and I knew I’d only have one shot to get this right. I gripped her wrist, tugging her hand behind her back, and snapped the restraint into place. She didn’t even have time to react before I pulled her other wrist behind her, yanking the chain of the restraint through the thick iron ring that was set into the stone behind us, and cuffed her other wrist.