Page 16 of Cruel Crypts

Her cry of outrage was fucking beautiful to hear, and it made me even harder, especially when I walked around the front of her to see her snarling at me with that familiar hate in her eyes.

“You wanted to see what was inside this room. I’d say you’ll get an up close and personal show anytime in the next hour or two. Might be Tristan, might be Roman, might even be me if you’re lucky. Enjoy.”

“Fuck you.” She had the audacity to spit at me, although she completely missed, and I fucking loved it. She was helpless, and angry, and scared. Just how I wanted her. “What do you think is going to happen when I don’t come back tonight?”

I smirked at her. “Already thought of that. I’ll be texting my mum as soon as I get out of here, letting her know that you’ve passed out and we’re staying here tonight. She’ll be so happy to know that we’re bonding and I’m taking care of you.”

“Let me go and I’ll fucking take care of you,” she growled. “With my fist in your face.”

Moving out of reach of her flailing legs, I raised a brow. “Do you even know how to hit?”

“Come here and find out.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, baby. No can do. Have a good night.”

With that, I left her, her cries of rage filling her ears as I shut and locked the heavy wooden door behind me.



That absolute fuckingbastard. I couldn’t believe he’d left me locked up here. Twisting around, I managed to make out that I was cuffed to a thick iron ring set into the wall that looked like it was incredibly old and incredibly heavy. It was clear that I wouldn’t be able to dislodge it, so I needed to think of another way to free myself. The restraints felt like leather, which probably meant they were used for sex. Who was I kidding? There was no “probably” about it. This was Knox.

I experimented with yanking the chains apart, which did nothing except hurt my wrists, twisting my hands against the iron ring, and then I tried to use my feet to reach the shelf to my left in case I could knock anything useful to the floor. Nothing worked.

I’d even left my phone with Will because I had no pockets, and he did. I had the slim hope that he or Katy would come looking for me, but it was unlikely—Knox probably would have locked the door to the basement, and both of them were probably well on the way to being tipsy by now.

It looked like I was stuck here. How could I have been so bloody stupid?

* * *

I didn’t know how much time had passed when the door was suddenly thrown open, but my throat was dry, and my arms and legs were aching like crazy. Straightening up, I watched warily as two people entered the room.

Fucking brilliant. It was Knox again, with some blonde girl hanging off him. I recognised her from school, but I couldn’t remember her name. It was irrelevant anyway—what was relevant was that they were moving towards the bed, which meant that he’d actually been serious when he said I was going to get a personal show.


At my shout, the blonde visibly jumped, spinning in my direction. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of me. “Knox? What’s going on?”

A smirk curved across his sinful mouth as his eyes glittered with malicious amusement. “Elena likes to watch, don’t you, baby?”

I glared at him.

“Um.” The girl chewed on her lip. “I’m not really into being watched.”

His gaze snapped away from mine, and a frown appeared on his face.Good. “No?”

She shook her head. “No. Not byher.”

He immediately released her, like the cold, heartless bastard he was. “Then you can leave. Close the door behind you.”

“You’re kicking me out because I don’t want her to watch us fuck?” The girl’s mouth was hanging open as she stared at him in disbelief.

“Yeah. Go.”

She spun away from me, stopping dead as she stared at the sight in the centre of the room. Her entire body shuddered, and she screeched, lifting one shaking finger. “You’re fucking sick, Knox. As if I’d want to do anything in the same room asthat. You two are welcome to each other.”

I almost laughed, but I was way too angry to find much humour in the situation. The second the door closed behind her, he stalked over to me. I kicked at him, but he stayed out of reach.