Cole located Zayne and told him we needed to go somewhere safe and quiet. Zayne opened the door to the Mercedes parked under the covered carport, and we hopped into the back seat. Within seconds Zayne was settled and started the engine. The car purred to life, then he eased down the driveway. Zayne must have done this before with a sobbing chick in his car because he handed Cole a package of tissues he had stashed in the glove box.
I carefully collapsed against Cole, wishing we never had to return to Samuel’s house.
“I’m so sorry, Shae. I had no idea.” He smoothed my hair and planted sweet kisses on the top of my head as I continued to fall apart.
“How? How could he have done something so awful?” I hiccupped.
Cole sighed heavily. “I know you need some time to process, but I think Samuel was in a really shitty place and made a bad decision to protect the woman he loved.” His tone was soothing, calm, and even. “If I’d been in his shoes and I was about to lose you … Shae.”
I looked him in the eye. “What?” I wiped my stuffy nose with a tissue.
“I would have done the same thing. Your dad and I are a lot alike in that way. When men like us love someone, the lines of what is right and wrong blur. We’ll do things other menwouldn’t everconsider. As horrible as the news was today, I understand because I would do anything to save you. Anything.”
“Is it wrong that I love that about you?” My pulse fluttered with every blink of his lashes and the way his blonde hair shined in the sun that streamed through the back window.
He gave me a crooked grin. “As long as you love me, that’s all that matters.” Cole kissed my forehead and stroked my arm with his fingertips. “Take some time, baby, but don’t dismiss Samuel yet. The man that raised you, fed you, supported you is still there. You’re still his Princess.”
“But it was all a lie, Cole. Myentirelife is a lie.” I seethed, the anger inside me igniting again.
“Yeah, but I’m sure the thought of prison terrifies the shit out of him. Not only would he lose his freedom, but you, too.”
“I don’t know what to think, Cole. It’s too much all at once, and now Rick is trying to blackmail Samuel in exchange for you.” I sat up straight, my nostrils flaring. “I’m ready to kill that goddamn motherfucker myself.”
I didn’t miss Zayne’s intense gaze in the rearview mirror, but I ignored him. So far, he’d never betrayed my trust. At least not that I knew of.
“King’s on it. He’s not sharing details because he can’t. It’s too risky. Hopefully, this shit will be over soon.” Cole shifted on the black leather seat.
“Are you in pain?” I placed my hand on his knee, grateful that he’d left with me but still concerned about him.
“I’m feeling pretty good.”
I glared at him, wondering if he was telling me the truth. “Are you just saying that after the shit show to pacify me?”
The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Nope. I would tell you.”
I fell back against the seat and stared out of the window as the trees passed by. I wasn’t sure what to do with the information I’d learned, but it felt good to get out of the house. Zayne turned down a backroad and dodged the potholes as he drove us out of town. My stomach growled, and I rubbed my belly.
“Can you eat?” Cole asked.
“Strangely enough, yeah.”
Before we left Spokane, Zayne stopped at a diner, and we all ordered a burger and fries. Cole bought me a chocolate shake as well. Zayne said it was okay to eat in the car while he drove since he wasn’t comfortable with us sitting at the restaurant in plain sight.
Nibbling on my fries, I tried to sift through what Samuel and Cole had said. If Samuel had found out who my biological parents were, would he have told me if he hadn’t been forced?
An hour later, Zayne parked in a shaded area at the lake. I couldn’t wait to get some fresh air. The majority of the shoreline was thick with trees, allowing us some privacy.
“You both should be safe here. Not many people know this spot exists. Just don’t go too far.” He slipped on his sunglasses, climbed out of the car, and opened the back door for us.
I hopped out, then hurried to Cole’s side, but he’d already gotten out on his own.
He held his hand out to me. “Shall we take a walk?”
“I would love that.” We strolled to the water’s edge, and I squatted down and dipped my fingers into the calm water. “It feels nice.” I toed off my shoes and walked in up to my knees, my toes digging into the soft sand.
“Remember when Samuel bought the ski boat?” Cole toed his shoes off, then waded in up to his calves with me.
“Yeah, it was the year you and Julia moved in.” I smirked. “I wasnothappy to have you there with us.”