I released Cole’s hand and rushed down the hall. “Daddy? Are you okay?”
Daddy looked up, his eyes full of pain and his face ghostly white. Fear stabbed me in my stomach, leaving me breathless.
“Are you sick? Do I need to call 911?”
He leaned back in his chair. “No.” His voice was rough, like he’d choked on sandpaper.
I glanced at the images scattered across his desk, wondering what was upsetting him.
I sank into the seat. “What’s wrong?” My knee bounced, the tension in the air palpable.
With a grim expression, he said, “Cole needs to hear this, too, Princess.”
Confusion clouded my thoughts, and a tight band wrapped itself around my chest. Maybe there was more news about Rick. “I’ll get him.” I rose and headed out of the room. I located Cole in the kitchen and asked if he could comfortably sit in one of the chairs in Daddy’s office. He agreed, and when we returned, Julia had joined Daddy. She wore a solemn look on her pretty face, which set my nerves on edge even more.
I made sure that Cole was settled, then sat between him and Julia.
Daddy cleared his throat. “Shae, I just received some information from King that affects you. Rick is threatening to make my name public ... unless I turn Cole over to him, which I wouldn’t do even if my life depended on it. I protect my family.”
“What is it?” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to calm my overactive imagination.
Cole grabbed my hand, bracing for the news.
Daddy leaned back in his chair, his body rigid with tension. “I’ve talked to Julia about my concerns. Cole also mentioned that you had some questions about how I knew Rick. Cole doesn’t know the details of how I met his father, either …”
I stared at Cole, my heart thundering in my ears.
“Shae, before you were born, Lori … your mom and I tried to get pregnant. We tried every method possible, tests for both of us, in vitro fertilization with a clinic, but nothing worked. Your mom was a hormonal and emotional wreck. Everything she did centered around having a child, and it was tearing us apart. When I mentioned adoption to her, she said it would take years to find a newborn. She grew depressed and aloof, and I was afraid she was going to hurt herself. I became a desperate man to save the woman I loved.”
The chiseled lines of Daddy’s face were etched with emotions I didn’t understand. Nervous silence stretched between us, my mind scrambling to fill in the blanks.
“I shared my concerns with one of my friends at the time. He offered to connect me with a guy that could help with a newborn, but it would be expensive and completely confidential. If I breathed a word of it to anyone, the deal would be off, and my life would be in danger.”
Cole squeezed my hand and gave me a concerned glance while Julia focused on the floor.
“I was desperate to not lose your mom, Shae.” Guilt and regret twisted his expression. “I met with Rick, and he arranged the adoption. No questions were asked. I paid him cash so there wasn’t a paper trail … other than the necessary papers, so it appeared legit.” Daddy choked on his words, tears glistening in his eyes. “It’s not something I’m proud of, Shae.”
“Wait …” I pursed my lips, attempting not to think the worst. Surely, I was confused. “I don’t think I understand what you’re saying.”
“Baby, Samuel bought you off the same black market my father was a part of.” Cole’s tone was so soft, I wasn’t sure I’d heard him correctly.
Horror pumped through my veins as I stared at Cole. The air crushed us, dense and accusing and pointing out the fact that whatever had just happened was out of our control. Our fathers had lied and betrayed us.Father? Daddy isn’t my real father.
“You tore me away from my real family?” Like the calm before the storm, anger clouded my vision.
“I don’t know anything about your birth parents, Shae. After you turned eighteen, I began to search for them, but I came up empty-handed. It’s a good possibility that your biological mom could have died during childbirth and the father couldn’t raise you on his own.” Tears slipped down his cheeks. “I’ve never regretted a decision more in my life, but then I had you. A beautiful, intelligent, feisty girl.”
Daddy’s words screamed at my broken soul. My dark thoughts expanded, and I was thrown into an emotional and chaotic tailspin. My jaw clenched, and I balled my fingers into fists, swallowing back the scream building in my chest.
I stood, hatred prickling my skin. “You fucking paid for me. Is that all I was? I was a means to an end, and your money could solve the problem?” My stomach squeezed tight, twisting into painful knots. “As far as you and I go,Samuel… we’re finished.” I spun on my heel and stormed out of his office, ignoring the gut-wrenching pleas from him and Julia.
Sobs escaped me as I ran upstairs, grabbed my phone and purse, and hurried to the front door.
“Shae, wait!” Cole said.
I paused and waited for him to catch up. “I’m going with you. Let’s get the fuck out of here.” He kissed my cheek, then slipped a protective arm around my waist. “I’ll have Zayne or Vaughn drive, you’re too upset, and we need to stay safe.”
I sniffled, attempting to see through the moisture in my gaze as we stepped out into the summer air. The heat slapped me in the face, but I didn’t give a shit. My entire world had been ripped apart, and everything I loved and respected about Daddy was all fake. Samuel was a big fat liar.